13 Ways to Fix a Sentence

How to style, enhance, and dazzle readers with your sentences

Christopher Kokoski
Blank Page
Published in
6 min readFeb 11, 2021


Close up of purple keyboard key with the word edit written on it for my article on 13 Ways To Fix a Sentence
Image by Author via Canva

I love written language, particularly well-styled sentences.

Anytime I dedicate energy to improving any piece of writing — a poem, article, short story, book, or novel — the improvements inevitably narrow to the mysterious substance of sentences.

The reason is pretty clear, hidden in plain sight. Sentences are the DNA of writing.

Sentences blend words and punctuation (symbols) that, shuffled together, form ideas— the basic building blocks of any piece of writing. Sometimes the ideas arrive in perfectly ordered clarity. Most of the time they arrive drunk, leaning heavily to one side, slumped over, and slurring.

It’s our job as writers to sober up our sentences. To get them straight.

How do we do it? We edit. We edit as if each of our readers paid us extravagant amounts of cash to clear the rubbish from shoddy writing. As if they funded our life completely based on how little of their time we wasted.

When you embrace this fantasy, you realize quickly your reliance on editing. You come at your sentences ready to rip them to shreds.

And that’s exactly the way you want to approach fixing your sentences.



Christopher Kokoski
Blank Page

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