5 Online Platforms That Pay Writers for Their Writing

Putting all your eggs in one basket is not always wise. Follow the Pro-writers path and expand your writing career into different markets

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5 min readMar 13, 2021


Photo by Matthew Kwong on Unsplash

Once you have resolved that you are making money from your writing; don’t look back because there is no looking back. There is only going ahead.

But the going ahead is not always a linear path. You have to invest time and money to have more money. And to have more money, you need to upskill yourself and look for more earning avenues.

Many writers limit themselves to just one source, and while that works well for some, if that source dries up then you have nothing to fall back on. Expanding into different markets gives you multiple income streams and most of them don’t require any extra skills than the ones you already have.

So, here are the five little-known writing sites that do pay writers.

5. Contently

Contently is the promising writing site that pays exorbitant money to talented writers. Initially, the site aimed at improving the world of media as it is founded by technophiles and journalist, but now it is restructured to help freelance writers advance their writing career.

As a writer, you can actively look for the work on Contently, but first, you need to create an impressive portfolio to attract potential clients by showcasing your best works.

The site works with famous brands such as Google, Coca Cola, GE, GM, and Walmart. Once you have showcased your best work, these brands and other related will contact you through Contently, as it works as a broker and negotiates a great pay rate for the requested projects.

Once contacted by a potential client, you can assist them with your writing skill by writing quality articles for them. But this is not the sole thing you can do. You can also work with them to provide infographics, photo essays, and videos making services.

The pay rate is quite impressive but you need to have a PayPal account to receive the payment. Their pay rate varies for the project and can range from $0.75/word up to $1,500/flat for long-form digital report writing.

4. Textbroker

Another magnificent site for the writers who want to add more bucks to their monthly income. The site also pays big money to promising writers who can deliver quality work on time.

But the site works a little different. Here you have to fill a detailed profile or to provide a piece of complete biographic information and to verify everything before you set it to work.

The site also wants you to submit a writing sample. Once your sample is reviewed; the editors will rate it. The writers normally receive a 2 or 3 stars rating at first.

Once you are rated, they will assign you tasks based upon your rating. The average writers are accepted with the 3 stars initially and later you can grow in the platform up to 5 stars at max.

Upon acceptance, you will be given access to your dashboard where you can see a list of topics assigned for each star ratings. You cannot opt for the higher stars topic but you can attempt on lower stars. And this is in your favour.

But it doesn’t mean that a topic assigned to 3 stars level writers offers $50 and you work as of $50. You have to satisfy your client and to deliver a work of $52 article. Always try to write above your level and to deliver a work of high calibre. Because the clients rate your work and it gives you a promotion to reach a 5-star level.

The plus point is that once you have completed 10 assignments on level 4 successfully, you can request a bump-rise to level 5. You can also withdraw your money once you have reached the $10 milestone.

3. Incomediary

The site was launched in March 2009 and since then has been actively looking for prominent writers who can create quality work.

If you can write on the niches related to affiliate marketing, Social media, traffic generation, how to boost your website, entrepreneurship, building great websites, or how to earn money online — this is your site.

They pay a handsome rate and mostly their rate ranges from $200 up to $500. The pay is negotiated and primarily depends on your writing skills and professionalism.

Connecting with them is easy. All you need to do is to send them a quote/pitch to be added to the writer’s team. Once added, you can have plenty of work.

2. ModernLove

Modern love is an offshoot of the New York Times page and invites writers who can create quality essays on the topic of modern love. The editors of modern love are looking for writers who can write on deeply personal topics such as dating, seduction, intimate love, marriage, parentage, and the problems of contemporary relationships.

Ideally, they are looking for essays that are subjective in nature and may exhibit the firsthand experiences of the writer himself/herself. Most importantly, the feelings and emotions presented should be honest and expressed compellingly.

You have to pitch them on their site and once accepted, they will publish your story and will pay you $300 right away.

1. Narratively

Narratively is open to all those writers who can tell stories from their personal perspective and can grip the reader's attention throughout the story with his immersive and interesting art of expression.

They don’t accept opinions or views on stories. They look for stories that are actively told and can transport readers to another world with the help of imaginative plight. The story must be vividly told, depict the beautiful scenes by showing and revealing the inner self of the characters to the readers.

The story must be original, not published or covered by other publications, in narrative form (means to have a proper beginning, middle, and end), and must involve human characters.

The pay for each story varies between $200 to $300. The quality of your story and content determine the pay.


Writing is a business. And if you are in this business; you might look for more avenues to expand your earning. The best thing is that you can earn from as many sources as you want, time permitting, of course. Over time you’ll be able to build a passive income from your backlog of writing, generating more and more money every month.

Remember, these five sites aren’t the only ones that pay their writers. There are many other sites out that for all niches and experience levels. Find what works for you. Expand your career beyond borders and grow exponentially.

