Are You Tapping Into the Awesome Power of Creativity?

Creativity can enliven your spirit, and solve a few problems!

AM Costanzo
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Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun — Mary Lou Cook

It’s ok if you don't know who Mary Lou Cook is. I had to Google her myself when I came across this wonderful quote, lest I’m highlighting the sayings of a cult leader or someone with questionable motives. (She’s an actress from the mid-1900s so we’re good there. And yes, I did write the “mid-1900s” — isn’t that how all the kids say it these days?)

Creativity sounds a lot like life. And many of us need more life in our lives. That’s where creativity comes into play. Creativity comes in numerous forms and while you may think you weren’t born with an ounce of creativity, you’re in for a treat!

We all have the ability to be creative.

That’s right, even YOU! Because creativity isn’t lightning in a bottle — it’s not given to a lucky few and the rest of us are left to live a one-dimensional, monotone existence.

Creativity is 10% talent (if that!) and 90% hard work (if not more than that.)



AM Costanzo
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Accountant turned Graphic Designer turned Personal Trainer turned Writer. I write about wellness, mindfulness, fitness and doing that thing that lights you up!