8 Soft Skills to Increase Your Freelancer Value

Sarah Thomas
Blank Page
Published in
6 min readDec 31, 2020


By now, most of us have digested the entire library of free Simon Sinek articles on purpose or read and applied Seth Godin’s advice to our suite of business offerings.

Depending on your turnover, you may have signed up for an SEO or data insights package to bring our customers closer to our orbit.

Now we’re all swimming in the same pond of certifications, tools, advice and recommendations, what are our differentiating features?

With technology at our fingertips more at our fingertips than ever, our greatest assets are as they have always been. The ingenuity, empathy, creativity and ability that make up human capital.

Soft skills are personal habits and traits that shape how you work on your own and with others.

They are intangible; they don’t come with a certificate or degree, but they are the skills that you have at your disposal to create a positive experience for those who work with you. The kind of experience that clients keep coming back for.

You may have found your way to the top of the Google page, but without the right intangible assets at your disposal as a business, you might struggle to leave a lasting impact on your clients and customers.

Intangible Assets



Sarah Thomas
Blank Page

Storyteller, ex playwright (produced), award winning screenwriter, always writing. Creating story-based content for businesses. Based in Aberdeen.