Don’t Be Distracted by Lucrative Contracts When Freelancing

Remember: You want to work for yourself

Rachel Yerks
Blank Page


Woman walking while reading off her phone. She is also holding a tablet. Background is a city with brick buildings.
Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels

As a freelance writer, I find that my contract work distracts me from my long-term freelancing goals, and I think that is typical for other freelancers as well. Considering your contracts won’t be around forever, it’s important to focus on your growth outside the contracts. I will be focusing this article specifically on how to do that.

After graduating in May 2020, I was a COVID-19 contact tracer for a short while before becoming a freelance writer. I write articles for multiple websites, one of which I write for as a contractor. In my spare time, I am working on an ebook and getting my blog up and running. It seems like a lot because it is.

However, I have the privilege of working from my living room on the outskirts of Cincinnati, no commute required. The fridge is 10 paces from my workstation and I drink an endless amount of chocolate milk every morning for breakfast and every night for dessert. I make $1,250 a month keeping up with this routine. It’s a great freelance life.

The change that distracted me from writing for my own business

From November — January I had an incredibly lucrative contract, in which I published multiple…

