Going Viral — 6 Lessons from My Article That Got 134,000 Views

Eve Arnold
Blank Page
Published in
11 min readJan 13, 2021



That’s how many views I’d expect to see in an average week on my 127 (ish) articles. Yep, 500. A modest number. A respectable, slow-burning, but a none-the-less encouraging number. Yet, in the last 7 days, I’ve had 134,000 views. No, I’ve not accidentally added an extra zero to that number. It’s a 22,000% increase.

So I thought, as I more frequently do these days, ‘this would make a good story’…

‘Viral’ is a word we are all far too familiar with. Luckily for me, this was the good sense of viral, this was the sense of virality that we all seem to chase. 7 days ago things got a little weird. I mean really weird.

“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. ”― Mark Twain

Recently I’d gotten out of the bad habit of checking my stats obsessively. I’d made a pact with myself and well, myself. “Checking stats is bad Eve, it never ends well so just stop it”. So after a few stern words with myself, I’d stopped. Weeks had passed and I hadn’t checked my stats. Happiness, I thought.

And then I did it, I checked my stats. Amazed and confused I pressed refresh. Surely something has gone wrong here must be a glitch

