How Ghostwriting Can Make You a Stronger Writer

Exploring this realm of writing can level-up your creative abilities

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Photo by Ryan Miguel Capili from Pexels

I’m a ghostwriter on Fiverr. Believe me, it’s not as scary as it sounds.

I promise I’m not sitting at my computer with a white sheet thrown over my head murmuring “boooooooo” as I write content. I am simply writing material for other people behind the scenes.

I decided to explore this type of freelance writing shortly after beginning my writing journey at the end of January because I wanted more opportunities to share my words with others.

Contrary to what some people may think, I haven’t lost anything as a writer by letting other people take credit for the work I produce. It’s benefited me tremendously. I can confidently say that I am a stronger writer today because I write for other people.

A Newfound Appreciation For Time

To create a meaningful piece that truly captivates the interest of a reader, you have to be willing to dedicate time to the process.

For me, the hours that I would spend wracking my brain for an idea to write about, making a list of talking points, drafting a 1st and 2nd copy, and then finalizing a 3rd was enough to make me want to jump out of my skin at…



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HR Professional with a forever passion for writing.