How to Be Creative Without Really Trying

Everyone is creative — You just need some tools to help you tap into those creative juices

Fiona Livingston
Blank Page


Photo by Dstudio Bcn on Unsplash

“I don’t know where to start.”

“I’m just not a creative person.”

We’ve all experienced those frustrating moments when we are expected to develop a new idea, but no matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to think of anything “creative enough”. We seem to believe that there are people who are born creative and those who are not. Some people are just gifted, aren’t they? So what does that mean for the so-called “non-creatives”? That we are doomed to a life of struggle, simply implementing and executing other people’s ideas?

I say no. But perhaps we are looking at being creative all wrong. Many psychologists argue that creativity isn’t something people are born with; it’s a skill that can be learned and developed. And, as with any other skill, you can only get better at it with practice. Think of the brain like a muscle that needs a bit of bulking up, some dedicated workouts, and a bit of a helping hand to get it in shape.

First things first, what is creativity? Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Everyone is creative in their own way, whether at work, or home, we all have our own ways of…



Fiona Livingston
Blank Page

I am a marketing and communications specialist, with a focus on digital, sustainability and audiences.