How to Write Emotionally Raw Stories About Yourself

It’s in your head. It’s part of you. Now, how do you get it out?

Greyson Ferguson
Blank Page
Published in
7 min readFeb 23, 2021


Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

You know the story so well.

It’s your story. It’s part of you. It helps craft you into who you are. The fire of hell you lived through has forged your mind. It’s changed how you see the world.

Now you want to write about it. Share it. Rip yourself open and bleed out until there’s not a drop left inside.

But you can’t.

The white of your computer screen watches you. Taunts you. The blinking line pointing to the blank page. Your lacking.

You close your eyes, sanding over the point in your life you want to write about. Tell others about, journal for yourself about.


You know it all too well. Intimately. You’ve thought about it every day since it happened.


Your fingers hover over the keyboard. You beg them to start typing. You plead with them. Pray to them. Cry to them.


Frustration builds, damming up your thoughts. Your feelings. Everything you want to write about. So you get up, sliding the chair under your desk a bit harder than you’d like, turn, and walk…



Greyson Ferguson
Blank Page

You might hate my first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. Ever dream of moving out of the U.S.? I wrote a book that can help: