I Miss Blogging

Twitter and Facebook are not all bad, but they have changed how we think about the news of the world.

Dennis Sanders
Blank Page


Innovation can alter our ways of life. Fifteen years ago, no one knew what a smartphone was. Who thought you could use a cell phone as a laptop? The advent of the light bulb made life after the sun went down possible. Another thing that made life possible was air conditioning. The American South was an unbearable place to live because of the heat, but the invention of air conditioning transformed a backwater into a thriving region. We can order a pizza or clothing from a desktop or a phone. We didn’t imagine we could do our whole shopping without having to go to the local mall, but shopping changed because of Amazon.

Social media has changed things in our world as well. I can attest that it allows me to connect with old friends. It can even allow me to find new friends. Social media isn’t as popular these days as it once was, but for good or for ill, platforms like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have changed our world.

Innovations bring change which means innovations come with a cost. One of the things it has changed is the demise of the weblog or blog. I can remember setting up my first blog in 2002. Over the aughts, I would spend time opining on politics, religion, and other issues.



Dennis Sanders
Blank Page

Middle-aged Midwesterner. I write about religion, politics and culture. Podcast: churchandmain.org newsletter: https://churchandmain.substack.com/