I Took on Student Debt to Get a Degree in Creative Writing; Here’s Why I Don’t Regret It

So I have a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing…

Margery Bayne
Blank Page


Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash

Guess who’s the poster child for a millennial who got a “useless” humanities degree and then graduated into an economic depression only to be underemployed for the next several years that followed?

Did you guess me? Because the answer is me.

Here I am saying it against all the naysayers and Facebook memes and the talking heads on cable news and all those complaining that I’m ruined because of all the participation trophies that I supposedly got (that I never actually got)… I took on student debt to get an undergraduate degree in creative writing and I don’t regret it.

Back it up…

Got to cop to some roughly middle-class financial privilege before I go any further. My parents were able to help with part of my tuition so I didn’t go into as much debt as I could’ve. I also had the financial and physical safety to live with them after college while I got my career feet under me and focused on using extra funds to pay down my debt fast. I get that not all people have that and this is not me trying to tell all of you to go get your dream degree despite the financial burden.



Margery Bayne
Blank Page

Margery Bayne (she/her) is a librarian by day and a writer by night. Find more at www.margerybayne.com.