Six Simple Ways to Write Better Sentences

Sentence simplifying tips that keep readers focused on your message

Ryan Michaels
Blank Page


Woman writing on blank journal page with a black pen
Photo by Timothy L Brock on Unsplash

Bad writing is most noticeable at the sentence level. Every clunky phrase and confusing clause rings out like a broken kazoo. The quickest way to repel readers is to write poorly constructed sentences. No matter how good the idea is, the message gets lost if you serve it up in a word salad.

As a teacher, I’ve seen my share of cringy writing from students. But there is no shortage of equally bad writing on the professional level, and it’s rampant online. Thankfully, there are a few simple fixes to immediately clean up your writing, make it flow, and eliminate cringe-worthy sentences.

Good writing starts messy

Before the tips, though, it’s worth saying that great sentences don’t come out ready-made. Even the best writers can’t serve up a flawless sentence with every attempt. Writing should evolve and be picked at. Stated plainly, you must take the time to revise and edit the work.

For this reason, most of the tips below take place after the bulk of the writing is done. Rather than trying to write the perfect sentence right away, it’s much easier to start with something messy and then clean it up. Trying to compose your best in the first draft…



Ryan Michaels
Blank Page

Freelance writer and teacher based in Lafayette, LA.