The Serenity Prayer Can Help Your Creative Process

Vivian Nunez
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3 min readJan 27, 2021


Support groups tend to be nondenominational. I found this out the first time I sat in a circle in the back room of a Church. You are holy adjacent, but not required to be holy. You are invited to speak, but if you have no words, you’re given space to simply exist.

It’s wonderful.

When the hour-long meeting is coming to a close, the Serenity Prayer fills up the room. The idea of prayer also takes on new meaning within those walls — less of a plea to step into holiness and more of one to step into your own life.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

Grant me courage to change the things I can.

Grant me wisdom to know the difference.

The first time I heard it, it was a lightbulb moment with the question, “where had this prayer been my entire life and especially throughout my entire career?” I’m in and out of support groups for reasons other than creativity, but let’s not complicate a good thing. The Serenity Prayer is a lifeline for anyone creating, writing, ideating, supporting, generally putting themselves out there in the creator economy.

The list of things I cannot control is long and if I let it nerve-racking. Every guru on the Internet makes a buck and change out of selling…

