You Don’t Have to Be Jealous of Other Writers’ Success

Here is a better approach

Joanna Henderson
Blank Page


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It’s the same news every day. Some author’s article went viral again and received ten thousand likes. The other author you follow wrote about selling their article to a popular magazine for $1,000. Someone else you admire shared their experience of becoming a successful copywriter and quitting the job they hated to do it full-time. It’s always someone else, but not you.

Long story short: there are many gifted and successful writers around us. Not just writers, but people from different professions. They tried something new and became great at it almost right away, while you did not. So… How do you deal with jealousy? Let’s find out.

Are You a Jealous Person?

You must be telling yourself it’s not like you to feel jealousy because you’re a good person, and nice people don’t have such negative and toxic feelings. But you shouldn’t feel bad or apologize for your feelings. We all experience moments of envy, anger, despair, hopelessness — and many others. When you’re working on something very hard, yet it’s not working out right away — naturally, we get upset. And we are definitely envious of those who became successful quicker.



Joanna Henderson
Blank Page

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.