Software Architecture: A Vital Step to Building Scalable Solutions

Paige Griffin
Blaze Threads
Published in
5 min readJul 27, 2019
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“Software architecture is the set of design decisions which, if made incorrectly, may cause your project to be canceled.” — Eoin Woods

To build a house, a good architect with a robust architectural plan is an absolute necessity. Similarly, to build software for a mobile app or a website, good software architecture is needed. Software architecture plays an important role in producing strong software with scalable solutions.

Software architecture is considered as the base of a software project, to guarantee its adaptability, security, quality, and security.

In this blog, we’ll be explaining what is software architecture, its significance, key considerations, and the advantages of good software architecture.

Software Architecture: An Overview

Software architecture is a continuous process that involves a set of specialized decisions and architectural designs. They are built in such a way that the code structure can satisfy every product necessity that is being built while representing transversal attributes, like quality, performance, scalability, viability, usability, and manageability.

Failure of these attributes may cause revenue loss, productivity loss, and cost overruns because of a redesign. Subsequently, a software architect must concentrate on the underlying issues in the development process during the architectural design to stay away from bad performance.

Why Build Scalable Solutions With Software Architecture

The following are three reasons why software architecture is significant to build scalable solutions in the process of product development:

  • Communication with Stakeholders: Software architecture is a design of the framework that creates a mutual understanding between the stakeholders and the development team via communication. In fact, with the help of software architecture, the entire framework is easy to understand, thus, making the decision-making procedure increasingly capable.
  • The Initial Decisions: Initial decisions in software architecture is the very initial point where decision and planning are done for every project. It’s difficult to make changes at an advanced level so this carries great importance.
  • Transferability of the Model: Software architecture is a design of the final product showcasing exactly how it will function in reality. With the architectural design, a single code can be reused whenever the necessity arises. All the experience we get while doing this can be transferred.

The software architecture displays any usage problems you might experience. Also, it explains the various leveled structures and makes it fundamentally simpler to take decisions and deal with all changes. It enables us to get a better estimation of a project in terms of cost and time.

What Makes A Good Software Architecture?

The following are the attributes of good software architecture:

  • Functionality: Refers to the performance level of the software against its designed goal
  • Dependability: Refers to the product ability to give coveted functionality under the given requirements
  • Usability: Refers to what level the software product can be used effortlessly
  • Execution: Refers to evaluation by examining reaction time, processing speed, resource usage, and productivity
  • Supportability: Refers to the comfort which software developers can transfer software from one platform to the next, with or without any minimal changes

Benefits of Software Architecture

Benefits of Software Architecture

By now you might have understood that good software architecture is crucial for a software project. Here are a few advantages of software architecture that will explain to you more about how it can help in your projects and why you ought to invest in good software architecture.

  • Adaptable Platform: It makes a strong organization for the software project and makes your platform versatile. It boosts up the performance of the platform, diminishes expenses, and stays away from code duplication.
  • Executing A Vision: Looking at software design is a viable method to view the overall situation of IT and to build up a vision of where the organization needs to go with it’s IT structure. A software architect views the big picture to help the architecture pave way for an effective solution. It’s important that someone claims the comprehensive view and sells the vision all through the software development lifecycle.
  • Higher Flexibility: Software architecture builds the quality of a platform, helps manage issues and makes a platform work faster. It offers higher flexibility with hi-tech features to achieve business goals as it creates a clear separation of concerns.
  • Potential Cost Savings: It recognizes the areas for potential cost savings. The architecture enables organizations to analyze the prevailing IT situation and identify areas where changes can cause cost-savings. For example, a software architecture may demonstrate that various database frameworks could be changed to use just one product; thereby reducing software, and support costs. The procedure of ‘architecting’ can support both the use and the creation of reusable resources.
  • Better Code Maintenance: Software architecture allows better code maintainability as it is easier to maintain the existing software based on an architecture plan, and also as the structure of the code is known and visible, it’s easier to find bugs and issues. It likewise empowers quick changes in the IT Systems.
  • Organize Conflicting Goals: It encourages communication with every stakeholder — user, customer, coder, tester, project manager, and so on — adding to a framework that better satisfies their goals. Interacting with complex frameworks from the perspective of clients causes them to know the results of their mentioned business needs and the design decision dependent on them. The architecture enables communications about the design decisions to the various stakeholders before the system is executed, i.e. when they are comparatively easy to change.

Final Thoughts

A good software architecture helps to build a better software development process. Improving software architecture at an advanced level can cost you a lot in terms of time, money, and effort. Hence it’s better to hire a good software development company with a one-time investment for a better architectural plan to secure your money and time.

We hope the blog helps you to understand why good software architecture is important to build scalable solutions. Also, share your experience or ask queries by writing to us in the comment section given below.

Author Bio

Paige Griffin is a seasoned Content Writer at Net Solutions, Los Angeles for 7 years with an expertise in blogging, writing creative and technical copy for direct response markets and promotional advertising for B2B and B2C industries. Born and brought up in New York, Paige holds a bachelors degree in English Literature. She has worked for industries like IT, Product Engineering, Lifestyle, among others and written some great insights on technologies like python web development, PHP web development, and so on. Besides her technical background, she is a poet by heart, who loves to connect with people through a dose of creativity and imagination.

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Paige Griffin
Blaze Threads

Paige Griffin is a seasoned Content Writer based in Los Angeles for 7 years with an expertise in blogging, writing creative and technical copy.