Blaze: Beyond the Three Dimensions

Blaze Protocol
Blaze Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2019

Over the last decade, various groundbreaking solutions have emerged in the blockchain domain where each of these solutions was allegedly more promising than it’s predecessors. But these multifaceted and predominantly quantitative technological advances weren’t capable of replacing the current legacy systems. The reason being, these solutions were designed keeping just one or the other aspect in mind but lacked a real-world approach.

Talking of the real world, let’s take a look at the science of natural change and growth. It shows that at critical points in the development of anything the rules shift. A tree, for instance, as it matures, slows down its quantitative growth (height & length) and switches to qualitative growth (branches & leaves). It changes its operating model and becomes more integrated into a complex ecosystem. It starts developing deeper relationships with the soil, provides shade, habitat, and nourishment to other plants and animals. The tree then goes from an independent entity with a single purpose — growing, to an interdependent one — developing deeper relationships with its environment.

This process of growing into a stable structure is what the blockchain space needed as well. The need of the hour was a system that embodied the true spirit of this newly found DAO system of governance and at the same time was mature enough to compete with the legacy systems.

Designing a high-performance distributed-ledger technology to solve the problems in the blockchain space doesn’t require complex hard-to-understand protocols. Instead, building this high-performance distributed solution requires a simple approach:
A protocol that facilitates removal of all the calculations that are not a part of the critical, order-dependent evaluation from the core business logic & a ledger that can expand in multiple directions rather than just growing linearly.

Such a scalable distributed-ledger solution, when combined with a real-world-like governance model is Blaze. In this article, we’ll focus mainly on the non-linear architecture of Blaze.

Blaze-System has a unique architecture known as a multi-Dimensional Block-Lattice. The Dimension is a new type of distributed infrastructure that intends to solve the scalability issue with existing solutions through the rapid processing of transaction data.

The entire ecosystem is built around and governed by the Pelagus-Dimension (or the main Dimension). It serves as the backbone of the system and the decisions regarding spawning of sub-dimensions and one-dimensional links are taken/approved at this level. The System can support up to 6084 sub-dimensions and theoretically infinite uni-dimensional links spread over a 9-Dimensional space. Each Dimension has been designed to service up to 50,000–60,000 requests per second.

All the Dimensions are governed by their own Officialdom in a hierarchical manner and the uni-dimensional links fall under the same jurisdiction. The Governance model has been designed to closely resemble how it functions in the real world. This model will be detailed in further articles.

All in all, Blaze is an indestructible confederation of destructible self-governing constituents. It is a revolutionary distributed-ledger platform, that embodies the spirit of a true community in a system which is easily capable of processing requests at par with existing industry standard solutions.

The Blaze-System software has been designed from experience with proven concepts & best practices and represents fundamental advancements in distributed-ledger technology. The system is part of a holistic blueprint for a globally scalable distributed society in which decentralized applications can be easily deployed and governed.

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Blaze Protocol
Blaze Protocol

A blockchain that can spawn in a 9-dimensional space, designed as a robust platform for dApps.