Gaston Mooney
Blaze Media PR
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2018

Conservative powerhouse and influential media guru Erick Erickson joins CRTV to host “The Resurgent Family”

Washington, DC — CRTV is excited to announce a new pilot series, The Resurgent Familywith Erick Erickson.

Erick is a trusted voice in conservative media and has shaped the movement in ways like few have before. He has appeared on national TV to provide political commentary and his articles have been read by millions. Erick’s new show will help families navigate the 21stcentury with his unique insight on faith, family, and friendship to CRTV.

“There aren’t many places in the media anymore to have real, honest conversations about views and values. CRTV is the only place where parents with traditional values can go to have the crucial conversations we need to have about getting our kids through the insanity in our culture — without bowing to the demands of liberal advertisers,” said Erick Erickson.

With today’s culture of hostility toward the Christian faith, how does a family of faith navigate 21st century challenges? While the internet has been an amazing tool, it has also created new child safety hazards and transformed the way families interact with one another. Erick will help families steer through the choppy waters ahead and provide real solutions and authentic dialogue.

“While other media outlets blacklist these important topics, CRTV will tackle them head on with Erickson and The Resurgent Family.The challenges the American family faces span partisan affiliations,” said Gaston Mooney, CRTV president.

Join Erick Erickson as he talks to the experts to tackle issues and questions that families across America share.

Most parents today didn’t grow up with the internet, cell phones, or social media at their fingertips. From human trafficking to how to get kids off the iPad and out on a family camping trip, The Resurgent Familywill help with the tough questions that all parents must face.

· How do you protect kids from online predators?

· How do you pray for your kids?

· How do you prepare your children for college?

· How do you discuss transgender issues?

· How do you ensure your loved ones go on to be successful and avoid poverty?

To learn more and subscribe, visit

About CRTV

CRTV is the boldest video subscription service around. We created a home where people are free to be themselves without filters. There are no liberal advertisers controlling the message, no PC mobs calling the shots, and no progressive media agendas. We’ve got grit, we’ve got guts, and we’re bigger and bolder than ever before.

The Resurgent Familyis only part of the groundbreaking offerings available exclusively on Experience Mark Levin, Phil Robertson, Steven Crowder, Eric Bolling, Michelle Malkin, Gavin McInnes, Andrew Wilkow, and more.

About Erick Erickson

Erickson was named one of the most influential conservatives by The Atlantic. He is the editor of the conservative outlet The Resurgent and previously helped build RedState into a leading online news source for conservatives. He is also a host with one of the nation’s most listened to talk radio stations in Atlanta. Erick has been a frequent contributor to both CNN and Fox News, providing commentary on the conservative movement. He is the author of a new book, “Before You Wake,” which highlights the importance of faith, family, and friendship, along with his family’s favorite recipes.

Contact: Samantha Azzarelli /

