

Speed and acceleration are merely the dream of making time reversible — Jean Baudrillard

This year has certainly been one for the history books. Even attempting a retrospective would do it little justice, simply put you had to have lived through it.

As we enter 2021 the vaccine rollout has begun, Trump has essentially been de-throned, the UK scrambled for a last-minute Brexit deal and many are hoping some sort of normality will begin to appear. Will the West begin to start piecing itself back together again?

What is certain is that the events of 2020 have radically transformed the workplace for many. The investments into remote work, reducing physical footprints with regards to office space, and the other decentralizing trends will very likely continue unabated in 2021.

So let’s wrap this year up with a nod to the future and see what trends hold.

Happy New Year.



Accelerating Meltdown
Bleeding Into Reality

Accelerationism, psychogeography, cyberpolitics, technomics and cybersecurity. A conduit of swarm-texts.