
Accelerating Meltdown
Bleeding Into Reality
2 min readFeb 23, 2019


Note: This article was originally published in June 2018 prior to migration to Medium

Dawn is a process, not a fixed point. The beginning of twilight before the first direct rays of the sun are cast upon the earth. A scattered diffused glow heralding the coming of the day.

K-Dawn too is a process. A process made of bits and bytes. Of networks and silicon. Of diffused ideas from both the Left and Right coalescing into an accelerated feedback loop.

Of the phase-offset between modernism and post-modernism.

We can broadly mark the coming of Eos as May 1968 where the powers of capitalism crushed the May rebellion in Paris, and later absorbed and counter-subverted many of the concepts of Debord and his ilk.

During this rising of the sun over a new age between 1968 and 1971 a set of fundamental changes took place that would allegorically see Capitalism begin its own quest for sentience.

The Media was perhaps first. Concepts from McLuhan’s 1967 cult classic the Medium is the Massage went viral in K-Dawn.

Debord’s Situationist International culture jamming was slowly being absorbed into the capitalist model.

The Stooges sowed the seeds for Punk to explode onto the cultural scene and shatter into a thousand shards of sub-cultures, music genres and art.

Technology was not far behind Media and would soon come to dominate as in 1971 the microprocessor was born from the work that Busicom and Intel started in 1969.

And this small collection of silicon heralded the birth of personal computing. This as Kurzweil and others have charted adopted an exponential pace following Moore’s law.

Here Unix time took form, the beginning of the POSIX Epoch.

The 1000000000 seconds since epoch was celebrated at a party held by DKUUG in Copenhagen, Denmark 2001–09–09 03:46:40 — Wikicommons

A man landed on the moon in 1969 escaping the gravity well and proving mankind could spread beyond the earth.

ARPANET between 1969 and 1971 created 15 interconnected networks giving birth to the Internet.

The seeds for Reaganomics and Thatcherite reforms were sown.

The postmodernist authors such as Deleuze and Guattari would give birth to ideas that would later become a part of accelerationist thought.

Adam Curtis age of Hypernormalization had begun.

1968–1971: K-Dawn



Accelerating Meltdown
Bleeding Into Reality

Accelerationism, psychogeography, cyberpolitics, technomics and cybersecurity. A conduit of swarm-texts.