Does Californication’s Hank Moody Blackout?

The intoxicated faucet constantly runs on Californication.

Trevor Lowry
Published in
5 min readMar 9, 2020


Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Californication’s Hank Moody is a full-blown alcoholic. While the show appears to mask other addictions (obviously not his sex addiction), he casually drinks from the moment he wakes up to the moment his head hits the pillow. He also never eats, similar to Mad Men’s Don Draper, which is a clear path to blacking out.

Given how much he drinks on the show, it would be hard to believe if Hank didn’t “check out” after a certain amount of drinks. People who abuse alcohol end up at the same place: Blackout station.

Does Hank Moody blackout?

Caroline Knapp’s memoir, Drinking: A Love Story, nails the cloudy investigation drinkers embark on the morning after…

“The worried morning after: every alcoholic I know has had them, lots of them. We’d wake up after a party and spend the morning worrying about what we’d said or done the night before, and finally we’d call the person who threw the party and hunt for clues to our behavior by gauging the response.”

The most obvious time the show implies a Hank Moody blackout is during his statutory rape trial. Hank thinks his first encounter with Mia Lewis is the night they had sex. A flashback to the actual first…



Trevor Lowry

A writer, reader, and rom-com lover | Just cruising the aisles at 7-Eleven