‘Palm Springs’ Is 2020 on Repeat

We all want to know when this madness is going to end.

Trevor Lowry
Published in
7 min readAug 22, 2020


Photo by: Jessica Perez/Hulu

Contains spoilers for Palm Springs.

Time loop movies have become so common that Palm Springs’ concept of living the same day over and over again doesn’t seem all that crazy. While Palm Springs is a solid movie, I’d put it behind other time loop flicks like Groundhog Day and Russian Doll — despite being a huge fan of Bill Murray, Russian Doll is my favorite.

The time loop genre has been normalized to such an extent, that it eerily feels like what we’re going through in 2020, where it feels like we’ve been reliving the same day for months.

Not only has the current pandemic kept many people indoors and out of offices, but Assembly Bill 5 (AB5 for short), a California worker classification law, has put many jobs and lives on hold — mine included. While I won’t bore you with the fine details of this expansive, and frankly, arbitrary and out-of-touch law, it limits many people’s ability to work thereby making every day seem like the one before. Under AB5, I’m not allowed to write more than 35 articles per website per year. To put this into context, I used to write seven or more articles a day at a staff writing job. Although I’ve come a long way since those days, and have paddled my literary boat through many writing industries…



Trevor Lowry

A writer, reader, and rom-com lover | Just cruising the aisles at 7-Eleven