New Integration: Zendesk — Import your Customer Service Data into your Data Warehouse

Blend your data world
2 min readJun 24, 2016

We’re excited to announce our newest integration: Zendesk. You can now send all your Zendesk data into any data warehouse. Zendesk is a customer service SaaS platform, that includes ticketing, self-service options, and customer support features. Zendesk is one of the most popular customer service applications and as their moto say “Businesses are made of relationships. Those relationships can be complicated, but Zendesk helps make them better”.

The same stands for data too. Zendesk has all your customer service data. But what if you want to answer questions that need data from sales, marketing, billing or your product? Questions like:

Which of my customers have the most tickets?


Where in my application and when my customer opens tickets?

By having Zendesk data with customer data, sales or marketing data together in one place you may find more answers.

Having connected Zendesk with Blendo it is easy to import:

Zendesk data into Amazon Redshift.

Zendesk data into Google BigQuery.

Zendesk data into MS SQL Database

Zendesk data into PostgreSQL.

It is only a few clicks and a few minutes away.

After setting up the Zendesk integration, any data that is being generated in the Zendesk side will flow to the destination you have chosen. It will always be available at the time you needed it.

How to import your data from Zendesk into your Data Warehouse

First, you need to decide your output from the list of supported Blendo integrations. You may also check our Blendo documentation about Data Warehouses with more details.

Zendesk Integration setup

In order to pull your data you need only two steps.

  1. Get your API token, the Subdomain of the Zendesk URL and your Zendesk Username.
  2. Connect with Blendo.

For more details read about our Zendesk integration in the documentation.

If you’d like a demo on how to use Blendo, we’re here for you — just reach out to us and we’ll show you around!

What’s coming next

Want to know what’s next? We are working on additional connectors, further optimizations and automations under the hood and more.

How does that sound? We hope you’re excited because we are! As always, if you have feedback and ideas on making your life as a Data analyst or a Data engineer easier with your data management tasks, just let us know!

Originally published at



Blend your data world

Blendo is a self-serve platform that helps companies to build, maintain and use a single view of all the data they have access to.