Our new Mailchimp Integration to easily pull your email marketing data

Blend your data world
2 min readMay 17, 2016

Please raise your hands if you use Mailchimp for your marketing efforts. We use it here at Blendo to send out our blog emails.

That’s why we’re happy to announce our MailChimp integration! MailChimp is a popular email marketing service for managing contacts, sending emails, and tracking results of your team’s email campaigns.

But what if you want to populate your events, sales data or your custom analytics with data from your email marketing campaigns?

The integration is really simple, all it takes is a minute to set it up. On the other hand, it is very powerful. The Mailchimp integration will allow you to easily connect to Mailchimp and pull data like lists, list members, campaings or reporting data. Then is matter of a quick setup to send these data to feed your BI, your data warehouse, or your custom analytics stack.

After setting up the Mailchimp connection, any data that is being generated in the Mailchimp side will flow to the destination you have chosen. It will always be available at the time you needed it.

Mailchimp Integration setup

In order to pull your data you need only two steps.

  1. Login to Blendo Home page and click Add a Source.
  2. Authenticate with your credentials and click Connect.
Pull your data from Mailchimp — Send it anywhere

Here is a small tutorial too.


How to move data from MailChimp to any source

Having setup your Mailchimp integration, your next step will be to decide your output from the list of Blendo integrations like Amazon Redshift, PostgreSQL or SQL Database.

We are so excited with Mailchimp integration. The only question remains: What are you going to do with all the newfound time we’ve saved you? Let us know, below in the comments or (better yet!), send us a Tweet at @bendoapp or a message at Blendo Facebook page 😉

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Blend your data world

Blendo is a self-serve platform that helps companies to build, maintain and use a single view of all the data they have access to. https://www.blendo.co/