Better Don’t Turn Me Brown

Pratishtha Mishra
Blending Thoughts-मन मंथन
2 min readApr 30, 2018

I am a leaf,
Crackling down your feet.
Meeting the mud heat,
With a sweaty oversheet.

Back then when I was on some branch,
When wind waved me thoroughly.
And you threw stones,
Not on me, but on those colorful fruits beside me.
I used to giggle on your hunger,
And fumble on the thunder of the tree.
The parting of a fruit was fruitful.
Sometimes I was a snapshot in your head.
I remember you stalking me until a breeze used to hit me.
And then you used to blush on some memory.

One day, a wind caught me and thrashed me to the ground.
The same you, stood on me.
I felt bad.
I screamed.
And understood the giggle on the feeble wasn’t good.
There is an end for everything.
This was my story from being green to turning brown.
I accept the beginning and brace the end.
But do you know that acceptance is my sacrifice?
Let me end with the wind.
Your hands hurt when you drag me into the end, brutally.
I don’t accept that.
You better don’t turn me brown.
Because then my friend, I will burn and you will have no time to cry.
My end will be yours too.
Oxygen is my formula darling.


-For the Earth by an Earthling (An Earth Day 2018 Special)

Google celebrates Earth Day 2018 with Dr. Jane Goodall.

For more amazing reads: Blending Thoughts — मन मंथन



Pratishtha Mishra
Blending Thoughts-मन मंथन

Words here will make your heart giggle, mind clamor and fingers fraternize. Perfect amalgamation of feelings, personifications and poems.