Mind Your Mind

Pratishtha Mishra
Blending Thoughts-मन मंथन
2 min readApr 15, 2018


Everybody says the mind plays the game. Yes, it does, but to an extent, because in my accord there is something bigger out there, omniscient.

Omniscient is no big a person or a power.

It is in the air, the air that claims to be itself. Touches you gently, and moves away to the others making you feel dejected. But people who want it then and there, go to the highest of towers or in the mid of the sea to just welcome the touch widely.

Desires play the role because the mind is a slave to desires and temptations.

It might be a brittle truth because it might break in somebody else’s vicinity but if I have had this thought today, I would keep it with wisdom and impart the wise in it.

After a particular tick tock, we land in the age of efforts directly from the land of dreams. From a rigid wall, we transform into a sand dune. We amend our dreams. Most likely we dream workable dreams, where efforts could penetrate easily and it is flexible enough to bring in the changes. We blend with the atmosphere, we train our minds, we struggle hard and then we sweat. Sweating minds give up. Your spendthrift mind has spent a lot of laughter and peace brought from the land of dreams to the land of efforts. Now you are a beggar and then some omniscient wind provides you with the alms, alms of courage and crude. It rains suddenly, and the sand turns wet and stiff. That something shelters your mind, pushes your mind, that something is the desire to be rich. Riches in peace and facade. The desire to be strong, desire to be loved. The desire to stand and touch the invisible, desire to walk.

It depends on you, that when you walk on the path with others how do you see the crowd, saddened or fighting. You perceive the world as you are. You limit yourself in the limitless mind. Your mind is beautiful anyways. Because it can ponder hard on every existence, it can raise questions, it can resolve questions, it can walk miles with you making you a benchmark of the field not yet discovered.

Let the mind, mind what it minds to.

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Pratishtha Mishra
Blending Thoughts-मन मंथन

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