Blendle for iOS 4.0.4

Ron Mulder
Blendle Release Notes
1 min readJun 26, 2017

4 February 2017

We have good, and bad news.

So let’s start with the bad news. Emiel is leaving us. That sucks. It sucks for everyone at Blendle, for everyone who loved his role in release notes like this one, and it truly sucks for everyone using the Blendle app. All that pretty stuff you see every day — every screen, every sexy animation, every button, every single pixel — was born inside the mind of this grand master. Awesome work, mate, we’ll be missing you.

(Curious what Emiel will do next? Follow him at @emieljanson)

The good news is that we’ve killed some bugs while processing the bad news. Logging in without a password wasn’t working, but now it does! So, yeah.

Crying? No, suddenly we all have nut allergies.

— — —

Big thanks to Mara Wienke for translating

