Blendle for iOS 4.1

Ron Mulder
Blendle Release Notes
1 min readJun 26, 2017

20 March 2017

Dearly beloved, we’ve gathered here today at the iTunes App Store for a special celebration.

We are connecting Blendle 4.1 to Blendle 4.0.5, for now and for eternity. Let’s skip the nonsense part, shall we.

Will you take:

  • A correct cut for every single image? Being able to look at more than just a torso and no, like, face?
  • On top of this, will you treasure a more accurate positioning of those images and the text that comes with them, in an optimized reading experience? As much as you’ll love each other in every form, young or old, healthy or sick, you don’t want to be looking at the wrong person. So you hereby promise to wake up to the right images for the rest of your lives.

If anyone has any objections, please let us know now.

No, no one? Then all I can say is: you may now kiss those pixels.

— — —

Big thanks to Mara Wienke for translating

