Blendle for iOS 4.2.1

Ron Mulder
Blendle Release Notes
1 min readJun 26, 2017

2 June 2017


Exclamation, interjection, noun (m), adjective, adverb, … ?


Cryptic last word of an incoherent tweet by President Donald J. Trump dated May 31, 2017. The use of said word caused the Internet to experience, among other things, astonishment, confusion, anger, despair, irritation, disgust, shame, and lolz.

“Despite the constant negative press covfefe”


Garbled version of the last syllable of the word “hand-off”, heard most recently in Blendle HQ when iOS developer Boy van Amstel expressed his enthusiasm about a new Blendle feature while sipping his coffee.

“Hey, look, it’s done! If you start reading an article in the app but run out of time because, for example, your train arrives, you can now continue reading in Safari later. It works with Apple [gulp] handcOvFeFE.”

— — —

Big thanks to Louis Emmerson for translating

