Why You Should Get an Engineering Degree over a Business Degree

Aaron Kc Hsu
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2018

I finally finished my final year of my Bachelors in Software Engineering. It is crazy to think that four years have flown by since I decided to embark on this journey that involved late nights in the computer lab and hours hammering my elbows on my keyboard. Being someone who loves meeting people and who started his own business in college, I could have chosen a major that related more to these activities, but I chose to do something in the college of engineering. I do not regret my choice one bit and let me share with you why.

I jumped into engineering thinking I could find a steady desk job, but that is because I didn’t know myself before starting college and I had no idea what I really wanted to do. I began to realize that the classes I took taught me valuable skills that people wanted. These skills included problem solving, design, and even teamwork. Through the college of engineering I learned to be an inventor. It is inventors who aren’t afraid to execute on crazy ideas that really make an impact on this world. By studying engineering, I could literally create a product that did not exist hours before right from my bedroom. This astounded me.

As I became further involved in the technical field I started to truly understand the tools that are being built for us. Around us technology is everywhere and it’s growing. By understanding a field that is changing our world in such dramatic ways, I was able to grasp what is truly going on in our world. I began to see what true innovation really meant. I could envision the limits of our technology. I could then theorize how to surpass those technological limits. If we do not understand where we are at then how do we truly build something more valuable? Engineering thus taught me how to add value to this world.

To me, the ability to learn business outside of business school is easier then learning engineering outside of engineering school. I can’t speak against every case for this ideology because I did not go through business school myself. I can say that learning engineering surrounded by people who are also learning the skill has its great benefits. I was fortunate enough to learn a lot about business through books and great mentors. I learned more about business by starting my own venture blerp compared to the amount I learned from sitting in an entrepreneur class I took for fun.

By going through engineering school, you gain the confidence to solve problems from start to finish. Its not just being able to solve problems that makes you an engineer. It is having the ability to persevere against a problem from start to finish that makes you a true engineer. A solution that only somewhat works is not a real solution. Perseverance is a learned skill and going through engineering school is a great way to learn the trait.

This post is to not to discredit or discourage anyone from getting a business degree. There is good value in having a great business background. There are great people from all walks of life who have all done amazing things with their lives. I just wanted to write this article to illustrate to my appreciation for being an engineer pursuing business. I would not have made it this far on my company blerp if I did not learn how to speak tech and engineer great code. As an aspiring businessman I have been very thankful for my engineering background.

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Aaron Kc Hsu
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