Discovery of an Author : Interview with Manjima Misra

Raghav Sharma
Blessink mag
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2024

We interviewed Manjima on her latest book, Detectives of Autumn House, her journey so far and her future projects.

The editorial team at Blessink Mag is dedicated to promoting both new and established authors, helping them reach a wider readership and audience.

Recently, our team connected with author Manjima Misra, who published her latest fiction book ‘Detectives of Autumn House’ published via Amazon KDP.

This interview delves into her journey as an author, and provides insights into her book, explores her writing process, and addresses many intriguing questions that will benefit first-time writers and captivate her readers and beyond.

Let’s take a look at what she had to say:

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Inspiration and Beginnings:

Q. What inspired you to write “Detectives of Autumn House,” and how did you come up with the idea to blend detective fiction with LGBTQIA+ themes?
A. For me, originality and uniqueness of premise are the first steps toward developing the plot of a novel.

The idea of blending LGBTQIA+ themes with detective fiction resulted from using the technique of combining two aspects that have never been put together before. This technique helps me establish the originality of the premise.

Character Development:

Q. The detectives in your book are from the LGBTQIA+ community. How did you approach creating these characters, and what challenges did you face in ensuring they were authentically represented?
A. My empathy for the cause of LGBTQIA+ rights led me to create characters who belong to the queer/gender non-conforming community.

I believe that characterisation can be an important tool for writers to bring socially marginalised communities to the mainstream.

However, as I don’t belong to the community, it was challenging for me to delve into the nuances of the lived experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community while writing the book.

Plot and Themes:

Q. The novella deals with issues like intellectual property rights and fake job offers. Why did you choose these specific issues as central elements of the mystery?
A. The themes were inspired by my reading of novels and news reports.

Before writing the book, I read Italo Calvino’s “If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller,” which is a mystery novel related to a case around books and intellectual property.

At the same time, I was reading news reports about how top professionals, even from the journalism industry, were getting trapped in fake job offer letter scams.

Genre Fusion:

Q. How did you navigate the unique intersection of detective fiction and queer fiction in your writing? Were there any particular influences or authors that inspired this fusion?
A. I am not aware of any writer who has blended queer fiction with detective fiction from my limited reading experience and awareness of the literary world.

However, I read detective fiction and thrillers growing up, from works by Agatha Christie to Sherlock Holmes and Satyajit Ray’s Feluda. I also remember reading a few of Sidney Sheldon’s novels. The experience of reading detective novels since childhood certainly inspired me to try writing detective fiction.

Funnily, I always considered the detective fiction genre beyond my league as a writer, as something that exceeded my capabilities. However, since I tend to take up challenges, I tried writing in this genre.

Writing Process:

Q. Can you walk us through your writing process for writing books in general? How did you plan and structure this particular novella?
A. My writing style is often fragmented, and this fragmentary writing leads to ‘stories within stories,’ shifting timelines, and navigating the past, present, and future in the plot of the novel in an experimental fashion.

My experimental approach is a cornerstone of my writing style in the fiction genre and merges the multiple storylines (within a novel) gradually, where my novel only makes complete sense at the end.

Challenges and Learnings:

Q. What were the biggest challenges you faced while writing this book, and how did you overcome them?
A. Building the mystery and suspense of the plot was challenging as this was my first attempt at writing a detective novella.

However, I had a regular target of writing a few pages every week, and gradually I was able to build the multiple fragmented threads of writing into a coherent whole.

Impact and Reception:

Q. How has the response been from readers and the LGBTQIA+ community regarding “Detectives of Autumn House’’? Have there been any particularly memorable reactions?
A. In terms of sales, my book was at the №1 position in Indian Writing (Kindle store) and №3 position in Contemporary Fiction (Kindle store) from May 20, 2024, to May 24, 2024.

The book also received positive feedback from book review bloggers and readers.

Personal Journey:

Q. As an author, how has your journey evolved over the years? What significant moments or milestones have defined your career?
A. As a writer, I am always thinking of the next most innovative concept for a book and how to approach it in ways that I have never endeavoured in my previous books.

It is this principle that ensures every book is a milestone in my writing journey.

Future Projects:

Q. Are you currently working on any new projects or books? Can you give us a sneak peek into what your readers can look forward to next?
A. I think the readers will have to wait for the announcement, but it’s going to be something related to music!

The book I am currently working on is for music lovers.

Advice for Aspiring Writers:

Q. What advice would you give to aspiring writers, especially those looking to write their first book/novel?
A. If you are passionate about writing, that’s 50% of the work done.

However, the remaining 50% can be more challenging than writing itself, which is finding the right publisher and audience, as well as engaging readers with your book.

Personally, I am still navigating the challenges of finding the best possible publisher and marketing scope. To new writers, I would say, don’t let the challenges undermine your passion for writing, and develop goal clarity on the ‘why’ of your writing.

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It was a treat and truly delightful to interview Manjima. She is an amazing writer, individual, and an inspiration for all those want to become an author. Manjima’s work is varied and she has a lot to offer to the world of writing and publishing. It will be exciting to follow her writing journey and career.

We urge all to check out her book : Detectives of Autumn House
Link to buy :

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Contact Manjima Misra:

Instagram :
Website :
LinkedIn :

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Raghav Sharma
Blessink mag

Voracious reader. Entrepreneur. Runner. Father. Writer. Lover of Humanity.