Discovery of an Author : Interview with Priyanka Khetawat

Raghav Sharma
Blessink mag
Published in
7 min readJul 5, 2024

We interviewed Priyanka on her latest book, Grave the Hidden Truth, her journey so far and her future projects.

The editorial team at Blessink Mag is dedicated to promoting both new and established authors, helping them reach a wider readership and audience.

Recently, our team connected with author Priyanka Khetawat, who published her latest fiction book ‘Grave the Hidden Truth’ published via Blue Rose publishers.

This interview delves into her journey as an author, and provides insights into her book, explores her writing process, and addresses many intriguing questions that will benefit first-time writers and captivate her readers and beyond.

Let’s take a look at what she had to say:

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Personal Background and Inspirations:

Q. What inspired you to write “Grave: The Hidden Truth”? Was there a specific event or moment that sparked the idea for the story?

A. I’ve been passionate about writing since an early age, always fueled by a powerful imagination. The idea for “Grave: The Hidden Truth” came to me one Sunday morning after I had slept in a bit longer than usual. For days, I had been captivated by thoughts about graves and the secrets they might hold.

I found myself wondering about ancient, powerful forces, the possibility of telepathic communication, and the intriguing concept of time travel. These constant musings and the intricate scenarios they inspired eventually coalesced into the story that became my book, “Grave: The Hidden Truth.”

Character Development:

Q. Eric and Shabir embark on a fascinating journey in your book. How did you develop these characters, and what aspects of their personalities were most important to you?

A. Shabir is a character everyone can relate to; he is confused about finding a path for himself and needs someone to guide him through. He is also a free spirit, thrilled with life’s happenings, and can be relied on in times of difficulty. On the other hand, Eric is determined and passionate about his job, a great archaeologist who wants to delve deep — Indiana Jones in the modern world. He is calculative, kind, and empathetic.

In life, you will meet two types: extremists and people who fall into the gray area. Shabir and Eric are both incomplete in many aspects, yet they become a complete entity in each other’s existence.

Plot and Themes:

Q. The book involves a mix of history, archaeology, and adventure. How did you decide on these elements, and what message do you hope to convey through the story?

A. Curiosity led me to explore archaeology, pondering the “what ifs.” Every component fell into place, forming a cohesive storyline. The characters embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind an archaeological site, leading them into an adventurous tale. The thrill of history binds the characters together as they quest to unlock its mysteries and decipher hidden symbols. Starting in a place called Paradoma in Paris, their quest takes them around the world — from the exotic city of Venice to the heart of old Texas and into unexplored ancient communities long at war due to ideological differences.

The message is about the journey — the path is more important than the destination, highlighting the importance of passion and steadfastness in their beliefs. The adventure involves time travel, different ideologies, and diverse communities, enriching their experiences and growth. Throughout their journey, they learn and grow, discovering that the process of seeking truth is just as valuable as the truth itself.

Research Process:

Q.Grave: The Hidden Truth” involves various historical and archaeological references. Can you tell us about the research process for the book? How did you ensure accuracy and authenticity?

A. Keeping the fiction intact, I adhered to story ethics by being true to my imagination. I crafted a different language, carefully following sentence structures and compiling elements in accordance with the necessary requirements. The journey in the story emphasizes that the path is more important than the destination, highlighting the significance of passion and steadfastness in beliefs.

The adventure spans time travel, diverse ideologies, and various communities, enriching the characters’ experiences and growth.

Writing Journey:

Q. Can you share with us your journey as a writer? What motivated you to start writing, and how has your writing evolved over the years?

A. As a child, I was consumed by my own little world, which led me to develop strong and imaginative characters. Writing helped me create a peaceful world around me, where characters had the power to be anyone and do anything. I remember writing poetry about rain, flowers, and wind when I was eight. By the time I was twelve, I started writing short stories, especially princess stories. My first actual book was “Teenage Dream and Psychology,” which I wrote when I was fourteen, but I never got it published. However, life got busy, and I focused on solving mathematical problems and pursuing engineering.

After working my first job at SAP Labs, I realized I was missing out on writing. I stopped working after a year and completed my first novel, “Grave: The Hidden Truth.” Over the years, I have evolved. As humans, we learn a lot through our journey. Everything is a learning experience.

Challenges and Rewards:

Q. What was the most challenging part of writing this book, and what did you find most rewarding?

A. The most challenging part of writing this book was creating the ancient language. For that, I researched developing syllables and words, ensuring they were consistent and authentic. It was a blend of art, science, and practical application, requiring thoughtful consideration of linguistic principles, cultural aspects, and the needs of potential users, all while maintaining the language’s individuality.

The most rewarding part was the reactions and appreciation from readers. People found the story fascinating, and I received many messages praising the creativity and storyline. Their feedback made all the hard work worthwhile.

Reception and Impact:

Q. How has the reception been from readers and critics regarding “Grave: The Hidden Truth”? Are there any particularly memorable responses you’ve received?

A. Readers have shared many experiences with me. One reader made me travel through time, reliving the journey I took while writing this book. He explained everything in detail, describing what made him happy and sad. He painted a portrait of the story in just a few words: “The way each scene has been described, it feels like you are one of the characters, experiencing things unfold before you. Different aspects of geology, astronomy, archaeology, history, science, civilization, mythology, geography, and more have been melded into this journey, and that is quite fascinating. Even though all the characters are different from each other, each with their own unique selling points, they all contribute toward a single goal.

The introduction of each character keeps the reader more glued to the mystery. The author’s keen observation skills are represented in her writing, taking you on this journey. Despite the numerous characters, cities, and subjects, the story is not complex but instead makes a reader curious about the future this journey will hold, demonstrating a perfect balance in her writing.” Another reader was so hooked on the novel that he completed it in just six hours.

Personal Connection:

Q. How much of yourself do you see in your characters or story? Are there elements of your own experiences or beliefs reflected in the book?

A. As a writer, there are typically one or two characters that embody self-reflection. When you write, you subconsciously insert aspects of yourself or people you know into the storyline, along with the knowledge and beliefs you’ve gained over time.

Often, I’ve found myself living philosophically through the characters’ lives, thought processes, traits, and beliefs. It’s a way of exploring my own experiences and perspectives, giving them a new dimension within the narrative.

Future Projects:

Q. Are you currently working on any new projects or books? Can you give us a hint about what your readers can look forward to next?

A. There are a lot of open tabs. I write scripts and have written two plays. Additionally, another book, focusing on modern dilemmas, is in the works. This book is particularly relevant in today’s confusing times, where so many options are available, making it challenging to choose the right path.

It explores the need for time and dedication in making those choices. Also, the most awaited second part is coming soon.

Advice for Aspiring Authors:

Q. What advice would you give to aspiring authors, especially those who want to write about socially relevant topics?

A. The essence of writing lies in taking up your pen and simply starting. Don’t wait to get it all together; let each word form a paragraph, each paragraph build a page, and over time, your entire narrative will unfold. Embrace boldness in your writing; fear should not hold you back. Writing is a platform for provocation, urging us to be socially responsible and foster change through the power of our thoughts.

A year ago, I authored a play centered on the pressing issue of mental health, and its reception was truly heartening.

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It was a treat and truly delightful to interview Priyanka. She is an amazing writer, individual, and an inspiration for all those want to become an author. Priyanka’s work is varied and she has a lot to offer to the world of writing and publishing. It will be exciting to follow her writing journey and career.

We urge all to check out her book : Grave the Hidden Truth
Link to buy :

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Contact Priyanka Khetawat:

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Raghav Sharma
Blessink mag

Voracious reader. Entrepreneur. Runner. Father. Writer. Lover of Humanity.