A new transformational tool to accelerate development of practical quantum computers — Introducing Rubicon V by Bleximo Corp.

Rubicon V is a transformational platform for R&D and workforce training in quantum engineering and computing

Bleximo Corp.
3 min readDec 8, 2022


Cryogenics is a critical enabling technology for quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum networking, both at the R&D stage and for commercial deployments.

Performance of a quantum processor is only as good as its packaging, shielding, RF and DC I/O lines, cryogenic amplifiers, room-temperature electronics, calibration and control software. Putting all of the components for high quality measurements requires years of industry expertise.

The current state of the hardware, which supports processor operation, does not address what we see as critical needs to accelerate research in superconducting quantum computing—a turn-key, plug and play solution with minimal setup to quickly iterate on experiments and chip designs while maintaining high coherence, rapid warmups and cooldowns, and a rack form factor that allows direct integration with data center for co-location to enable hybrid classical-quantum systems for real-world applications.

Introducing Bleximo’s Rubicon V™ platform (Patent Pending) which has major transformative impact on the following critical needs to accelerate research in superconducting quantum computing:

  • “Invisible” cryogenics: technology must be as turn-key and transparent as possible to the end-user
  • “High productivity” cryogenics: the pace of testing and design iteration must be dramatically accelerated
  • Equity: access to cryogenic technology must be expanded to new groups of researchers, educators, and users without sufficient funding or experience to develop an own full-stack system
  • Modular ecosystem: proper standards must be developed to ensure affordable highest-quality chip testing environment, reliability, and scalability to larger chip sizes

Bleximo’s Rubicon V™ platform, which was designed to address those critical needs, packs a lot of Bleximo’s IP in hardware created during development of our own full-stack application-specific systems, building the Advanced Quantum Testbed in partnership with US DoE and UC Berkeley, and selling packaging and shielding kits as well as superconducting processors to academic and government research institutions (https://bit.ly/BQryo).

Rubicon V is an integrated solution — a turn-key, plug and play system with minimal setup to quickly iterate on chip prototyping while ensuring that chip’s environment and its control system enable high coherence.

It combines a dilution refrigerator system, cryogenic I/O, chip control electronics, chip packaging and shielding kit, and control electronics — all in a single standard 24U server rack.

Plug-and-play: all wiring and components are integrated

Rubicon features include:

  • Turn-key: under 12 hours from crate to characterizing qubits
  • Very short cool-down, warm-up, and chip exchange times
  • Three-model lineup for different use cases
  • Uniquely suitable for higher-education teaching labs
  • Includes high-quality multi-qubit Bleximo processors in protective packaging

Rubicon V is a new tool to accelerate development of practical quantum computers

A quantum computer that looks like a computer

Three available full-stack models for education, workforce training, prototyping and research come at a fraction of the price of current systems, which require extended training for assembly and expertise in cryogenics, and management of many vendors, parts, components, and devices.

We will continue developing the platform and upgrading for large qubits counts while maintaining its computer rack form factor, including hybrid superconducting/photonic processors, which allows easy integration of quantum processors into data centers.

About Bleximo

Bleximo is a full-stack quantum computing system integration firm. Founded in 2017, Bleximo is building superconducting application-specific quantum computers by co-designing algorithms and hardware to deliver practical solutions for high-impact problems.

For more information, visit https://bleximo.com.

For additional information and to reserve your Rubicon V, contact sales@bleximo.com

Patent Pending



Bleximo Corp.

We build full-stack, superconducting, application-specific quantum computers.