Grit: A valuable mindset for a Product Manager

Alifa Fathia K
Blibli Product Blog
4 min readAug 8, 2022

As a relatively new Product Manager, I do wonder from time to time what makes a great Product Manager? Does one need to be naturally gifted? I have met and got to know some of the most brilliant Product Managers throughout my working experience, including where I work now at Blibli. I think one of the notable qualities from them is having grit.

What is grit? Grit, as defined in Angela Duckworth’s Grit, the Power of Passion and Perseverance, means “perseverance and passion for long-term goals”. In her book, Duckworth sets out a couple of key examples of gritty people — people who set their sights on a goal and then work diligently and intelligently to attain it.

Here’s why I think grit is a quality that a Product Manager should possess:

1. Iterative nature of product management role

The nature of product management role is iterative. It is impossible to build a high-quality product within a short amount of time, therefore it is our job to deconstruct the big milestones into smaller chunks of work, so we can improve the product one step at a time. This makes a Product Manager role similar to a marathon runner rather than sprint runner. A Product Manager needs to sustain the effort to make it to the finish line, and that’s where grit would help.

Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

2. Dealing with ambiguity and the unknown

At its core, product management is a job of grit. This means being able to deal with ambiguity and explore unknown territory. Product Managers are commonly at the center of the organization, so when problems arise, you must roll up your sleeves, persevere through the unknown and act to find solutions to sometimes difficult problems.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

3. Constantly go through learning and unlearning cycle

As a PM, knowledge easily becomes obsolete in such a short amount of time. We need to be able to catch up with the industry’s latest best practice, the newest working framework or even just to update our knowledge related to our own product. Having grit will help you to understand and learning is a continuous process and there is nothing wrong with not knowing everything in the first place. You just need to keep learning, one bit of information at a time.

Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

4. Handling various stakeholders with different needs and backgrounds

A PM will need to manage various stakeholders as a part of their daily life. Therefore, it is important to build rapport with your sponsors and stakeholders to allow them to make better business decisions. It might take some time to understand and get to know your stakeholders, having grit will help you to understand that not all people communicate with the same style, and you might need to try other approaches that suit both parties the most.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

We all want to feel mentally strong and develop grit that can serve us in life and work. So, let’s review things that will help a PM to develop grit:

  1. Pursue and be aware of your interests. If something doesn’t fascinate you, it’ll be hard sticking to it.
  2. Practice, practice, practice. We like doing what we’re good at. Dedicate a specific time practicing things you want to improve as often as possible.
  3. Connect to a higher purpose. Find your “why,” and consistently remind yourself of it.
  4. Cultivate hope. Try not to worry so much when you fall down. Just get back up, hold your head high, and keep going.

In summary, there are many qualities that make a great Product Manager, and one of it is having grit. Grit might not solve all your problems and difficulties as a Product Manager, but it certainly helps to cultivate a resilient mindset and overall have a more positive outlook in life. So, are you ready to be a gritty Product Manager?

If you’re interested in applying for a full-time position or intern, Blibli is currently hiring! Send your resume to and get the chance to work with our PM and UX team and create our own unique stories.

