An Unforgettable Internship

Sekar Anglila Tech Blog
3 min readAug 21, 2017 Office

My internship in was very unexpected. I was looking for an internship for one of my curriculum and one of my friends brought up I never knew I’d pass the test, I thought I wasn’t smart enough lol. I did however get a phone call two days after the interview, saying that I got the internship. Office

I was so nervous on the first day. I told myself that I have to do well, and I shouldn’t mess this up. It went like that for a few days until I became more and more comfortable with the environment. It was so much different that I thought it’d be. had a huge open space office with various people from different departments just working together. The people were very friendly, and very funny too. The mentors were so nice and everyone was just so willing to help and teach you new stuff. They didn’t make me feel inferior, instead pushed me to grow and learn new things.

The first month there, me and my partner (we did paired programming throughout the whole internship) worked on a page in We worked hard on it and tried to catch up to the deadline given. I had jitters cause I never thought we’d finish on time. Fortunately, we did, with some time to spare. It was amazing, to see the work we’ve done released on the website, used by all the customers. My internship has resulted something real and useful for the company.

Daily Stand Up Meeting

I learnt so much in just two and a half months spent in the company. I learned frontend, backend, unit testing, an even quality assurance testing. I finished this internship with twice the knowledge I had before entering.


The last week in was actually kind of sad. I knew I was gonna miss working on the website, reading the jumbled up codes and rewriting them to a (hopefully less jumbled up) new code, doing a bunch of tests on it, and basically producing something real for others to use. Not to mention the free food and funny random conversations we have on our free time. Fortunately, I was able to attend the birthday event and watched one of my favorite band, Abdul and the Coffee Theory. Such an amazing day and a way to close of the internship.

I would like to thank my mentors, Kak Andi, Kak Febi, Kak Hafiz, Kak Eko, Kak Dodo, and Kak Alex for always making time and effort to help and teach me a bunch of stuff. Kak Ando and Kak Hendri, who has such funny people and a great team mate. Friska, my partner throughout the whole internship, thank you for enduring me lol. Wiega, my partner in crime, who always fights with me but really such an amazing friend. Asti, Niko, and Reza, who has also made this experience so amazing. Thank you for giving such an amazing opportunity.

I hope I have made an everlasting impression to everyone (in a good way I hope) just as you guys have made an unforgettable on for me.

Cheers to all of us!



Sekar Anglila Tech Blog

A computer science undergraduate who loves travelling and a food-entusiast