Friska Nataniel Tech Blog
3 min readAug 31, 2017


I open my wallet and find this polaroid shot.

It reminds me I have this (deadline) plan to write about my a6 internship experience at

Berawal dari tugas kuliah yang mengharuskan saya untuk Kerja Praktik, saya apply sebagai Software Engineer intern at Setelah melewati serangkaian tes, saya dinyatakan lolos (thank God) and started my journey there. Tbh, I was so scared that I didn’t have what it takes to get my job done, knowing for sure I am still lacking of knowledge of technology, especially when it comes to enterprise website development. I remember telling my friends and they were like “justru lu intern buat belajar” and boi, I learned a lot.

Bersama dengan lima teman sepenanggungan, kami ditempatkan untuk magang di Departemen Teknologi The first time we got there, we’re introduced to every person working at’s Kebon Melati office (I introduced myself to so many people that I almost forgot my own name). I remembered being welcomed so well.

We’re given a brief description of what we would be working on for the next 2,5 months. I was assigned to do pair programming with my colleague from ITB for a project in Research and Development Team.

In summary, we got to work on front-end and back-end. We also got to create the unit and automation testing by ourselves. Being faced with unfamiliar technology and expectations to fulfill, I was nervous. However as time went by, my mentor helped us get through it. Despite our lack of knowledge and mistakes, beliau-beliau ini tidak lelah menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan kami.

The part that I like the most is I felt productive. Tidak gabut, but not overloaded with works.

Along with my partner, we had to plan our to-do list, write our own method and steps, explore on our own. The point is, we have to do it ourselves, but, thankfully, we could still ask for help.

You get what I’m saying? Kami tidak duduk diam, just watch expert ngerjain pekerjaan kami. We got something we worked on, tapi tidak dilepas gitu aja dalam prosesnya.

Another best thing is Blibli actually uses our work. Hasil pekerjaan kami deployed on production website and it felt good knowing that as an intern, you contributed well enough to meet their standard. CEO targeted Blibli to give their best speed, serve the best quality, and maintain a good communication. So here they are, giving the best for their customer 24/7.

They’re going to fix bug a.s.a.p. even if it’s 12 A.M. They create unit test (front-end included), create automation testing, and set a high standard for their website. They hold sharing session, send the developer to conferences here and there, present their work (even an intern got a taste of this). Ajakan untuk hang out / just get some meal together comes naturally because they already felt comfortable and belong to each other. So in short, managed to create a serius-tapi-santai working environment. Cukup serius untuk mencapai target mereka, tapi cukup santai untuk melunturkan perbedaan generasi.

Until the end of my internship, I feel enlightened every single day. I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn.

recalling all the pecah and tubir days I had with them

I would like to thank Kak Andi, Kak Febi, Kak Dodo, Kak Eko, Kak Hafiz, Kak Hendri, Kak Uri, and Sekar for making this such an educational intern experience. Never a day goes by that I have a b aja day in this office. It was so saik it left me baper.

If you have never considered in your career path, you should give it a go — YXGQ — . Seriously, what could be better than doing what you love and having a supportive working environment?

Cheers to the bright future ahead,



a6, saik = asik

a.s.a.p. = as soon as possible

b aja = biasa aja

pecah = seru, menyenangkan

tubir = ribut

tbh = to be honest

YXGQ = ya kali ga kuy

