Into the Unknown: Data Writer Intern at

Anelyse Permana Tech Blog
3 min readApr 5, 2022

“Growing up means adapting” — Olaf, Frozen II (2019)

Here is everything I know about a Data Analyst: gather and interpret data, and I have zero idea how to do either. So, this is me Googling it as soon as I found the requirement for a Data Writer under the Data Analyst team.

As a marketing communication student, I have always loved the field. Theoretically and practically, I’ve learned various kinds of communications; public speaking, mass media, campaign, branding, you name it. But writing was always the hardest nonetheless. To fill in the hole, I always looking for a writer role for my internship programs. This time is different though.

The next morning, I found myself contemplating whether I should apply for this job or not. So, I thought “You know what? Let’s just go for it!”, I sipped my coffee for extra adrenaline and clicked the button at speeds faster than the light.

No regrets.

You might (or might not) wondering how I survived my four months of internship program in a field that I never thought would be my first choice. But I’ll break it down for you nevertheless!

It’s all about the will, not the skill

This line might be the reason why I won my user’s heart right away — or not — I mean it’s quite a decent hook, no? Jokes aside, this phrase gave me the courage to keep going. Sometimes I feel I’m too ignorant for the job since I Googled every-single-thing. Just like the famous quote “Every wall is a door”, even if there is no door, you would find me banging my head through the wall. Before you shower your teammates with tremendous questions, it is best for you to acknowledge yourself with the least information you could find anywhere. The point is, there is a way. There WILL always be a way.

It takes two to tango

Being the least acknowledgeable person in the team isn’t intimidating at all (it is though). Quoting from another famous line, “I always fill my glass halfway to make room for improvement”. This is where you shower your teammates with tremendous questions ;). After surfing the internet trying to get answers — which I could only find bits of — I always ping my genius teammates for better, clearer, and more accurate answers. Lucky me they never tired of me bothering them every time (not sure but I hope so). The best thing I experienced during the program was how the environment helped me grow and learn!

Photo by Ardian Lumi on Unsplash

The opposite attracts

It has been quite a roller coaster ride for the past four months but never in my mind, did I have the thought of quitting. I found this job challenging yet a really wholesome stepping stone for me. Would have never done this without the help of my incredible teammates! Just like magnets, I and this role are the two opposite polar, but that is how we are attracted to each other eventually.

Three months later I’m back as a full-timer and ready to bombard my teammates with private QnA sessions ;)

