SIPLah — a collaboration between and Government

Mikhael Diastama Santoso Tech Blog
5 min readDec 22, 2020

What is SIPLah?

SIPLah is a procurement information system for schools which is the result of a collaboration between the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Education and Culture with SIPLah provides a system to fulfill the procurement of goods and services of schools with funds sourced from BOS. To develop this system, the government is working with several partners, and one of them is

SIPLah development started in July 2019 and was successfully released and used for the public in October 2019. After its release for the first time, there was continued development regarding several changes and feature additions, and these development are still continuing today. Until now, the number of sellers who have joined SIPLah has reached more than 26.000, with the number of products on offer in excess of 1.800.000.

On August 26th, SIPLah got an award as ‘Praktik Baik’ on implementation of e-catalog and marketplace for procurement of goods and services in Aksi Nasional Pencegahan Korupsi (ANPK) 2020 by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. The goal of SIPLah is to give school principals freedom in the procurement of goods and services and to eliminating cash payment transactions. With this, it can prevent corruption in the process of procuring goods and services in schools.

What is in SIPLah

At SIPLah, goods and services which sold are divided into 3 main categories. This division is carried out based on the type of goods, data sources, and also the purpose of the goods.

  1. Specific Product—is the main category of SIPLah There are 3 subcategories under this category, including Main Text Book, Companion Text Book, and Non-Text Book. Products in this category come from the master product data of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s puskurbuk system.
  2. General Product— is a supporting category outside of the main category of specific goods. This category includes school supplies, school supplies, computer accessories, electronics, refills, bills and services.
  3. Government Assistance (BANPER) — This banper category is a special category that contains products specifically for government assistance for PAUD, SD, and SMK.
all categories on SIPLah

How about the flow?

The flow of transactions in SIPLah is actually similar to e-commerce flow in general, but there are slight differences according to requests and regulations from the government. School officers who will make purchases at SIPLah can do login using their existing dapodik account. After that, buyer can do search product. If the total order more than 50 million, user need to do comparing product to similar product on different seller. After get product at the best price, buyer can do negotiation for the price. Seller will receive the order and will accept, process, and send the order. After the products arrive, buyer will receive that, and if there are damage items or differences in number of items, buyer will be able to submit a complaint. Meanwhile, if there are no problems, buyer can process payment to seller.

flow transaction on seller side
flow transaction on buyer side

With the existence of SIPLah, sellers both individuals, business entities, or UMKM can participate in providing the needs of goods and services for schools.

Benefits for Sellers

  1. A clear target market— One of the advantages for sellers who use SIPLah is that they will get a clear target market, which is all schools in Indonesia, both in elementary, junior high, and high school.
  2. Clear competition — By joining SIPLah, sellers can also easily monitor product and price competition from one seller to another.
  3. Wider reach of consumers — Sellers can also reach a wider range of consumers because SIPLah supports shipping for all locations in Indonesia.
  4. Zero margin— SIPLah also applies zero (0) margin for products sold by seller, so the product price in SIPLah is the original price from seller without any additional commission from

On the other hand, with the existence of SIPLah, all schools in Indonesia will also get some benefits.

Benefits for Schools

  1. Transparent transactions — All transactions that occur at SIPLah are monitored directly by both and the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  2. Offer competitive prices — Schools will get various types of products and various prices from all sellers who are members of SIPLah
  3. Wider range of sellers — At SIPlah, sellers who join are not limited by area, that’s mean that all sellers in Indonesia are free to join. This has a positive impact, by providing a wider reach of sellers for schools.
  4. Reporting is clear and structured — Principal/treasurer is facilitated by an easy and clear reporting system from the SIPLah system.

If you want to know more about SIPLah or maybe you want to become part of SIPLah as a seller, you can go to

That’s all from me, thank you very much, see you in the next article!

