10 tips to answer questions and earn recommendations.

Follow these tips and you are more likely to earn a professional recommendation and a call for an interview.

Kédar Iyer
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2013


  1. Your answer must demonstrate creativity and fresh thinking. You will not get brownie points for conventional and theoretical wisdom.
  2. Do not submit an answer that can be Googled. Companies don’t just need a person who can Google.
  3. DO NOT rush your answers. There are no points for quick answers with poor thinking.
  4. Present your answer like you would do to your dream boss. Impress with your presentation skills as much as you would with the contents of your answer.
  5. Every question has a fixed duration to submit an answer. Can you deliver on time?
  6. Copy-paste answers are easily spotted. Original thinking is most appreciated.
  7. Think you don’t have enough time to answer? Do your homework in advance, and answer when you are ready to give your best shot.
  8. Do not state the obvious in your answer. Again, there is Google for that kind of information.
  9. Need help understanding the question better? Try Googling the subject first and if that does not help, email us or contact us.
  10. All answers are reviewed solely on merit, creativity and fresh thinking.

One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings. ― Diogenes Laertius.

If you have further questions related to answering, ask them here >

Good luck and submit your answers on time.

Know friends who are talented and want a career break too? Sharing is caring.



Kédar Iyer

Making human capital decisions more objective. CEO of GapJumpers