Slightly controversial points of view #25:

Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2018

“Tell me something, that almost nobody agrees with you on”

Based on the famous Peter Thiel question and in line with our slightly evil podcast and slightly uncomfortable newsletter, we post things that had the same reaction: they forced us to stop and think about what we’d just read and the assumptions we held before we read it.

the theme of this week

The ability to spot, mobilize and deploy older workers is the next biggest source of competitive advantage in the U.S. The sober reality is that many companies should retool their methods to fit better with the experience and sound judgment found so often in older workers. That also will involve a retooling of the glamour notion to valorize the young less and the idea of maturity more.

However, the results also suggest that one route for advocates of global justice may be to make salient the cooperation that already exists across societies (in the form of linked markets in goods, services, capital, and labor), which likely would lead people to view that they have stronger moral obligations towards individuals from other societies

The route I was suggesting, education, is you send people, you make people work as nurses and then they go to medical school. Effectively, I spoke to a lot of doctors, and they think it’s a good idea because they’re afraid of medicine being now too theorized, becoming too theorized.




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