The Disrupt Bias Conference in 10 Tweets

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2 min readSep 10, 2015
Easy to tell that this was a conference where honesty was going to reign!
Amazing how many of our contacts tell us about their amazing roles helping their company improve on diversity & inclusion. Then they tell us what their full-time job is. Often sounds like two full-time jobs and you won’t be surprised to know that it is always women who are telling us about this “volunteer” work.
Has everyone even been invited to the party?
The difference that change makes in more ways than one.
Wow, this applies to so many areas; interview feedback, project feedback, day to day work environment. We have always grown the most when we get good constructive feedback. Who gets feedback and who doesn’t? Great question.
These two tweets are so powerful and focus on our favorite thing, action!
Link to Dr. Greg Walton and Mary Murphy’s paper below, your welcome:)

15 Hacks for Building Diversity in Tech, Dr. Greg Walton and Mary Murphy




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