5 Secrets to Being a Great Leader

Tamara Speaks
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2016


You are mysteriously intelligent, you have a beautifully framed University degree, and you have a title you’re even shocked to say sometimes. Not surprisingly, you landed in a position of leadership.

So what is it that makes you a great leader? It’s not what you think.

What you know and how you project that through your teaching style is important. As well, the respect you are given regarding your dedication to your education is priceless, not to mention motivating for your people. But that is just part of it.

The solid foundation of leadership consists of so much more. People are the roots of any organization and therefore they are the beautiful, ever-growing roots of any great leader. Your people are power.

All inspiring leaders will lead their people to success.

Here are 5 secrets to help you be an inspiring leader and lead your people to success:


I just pictured Donald Trump rolling his eyes…haha…but seriously, set aside the romantic love for a second and try to understand. Leading with love at work means love is present. It’s about compassion and kindness towards others. Give and serve with love right down to your core of you and your organization aligning with your values. Humanity lives in you and in your organization.

The leaders of the future will lead with love.


I know you are smart, but no Oscar here! ;-) Leading with acceptance is a key trait for any great leader. Accepting individuals for who they are — without question or judgment — takes someone who is just as accepting of themselves. It doesn’t mean you have to like every little thing everyone does, but accepting “who” they are makes every difference in the world.

Accepting people for who they are and not for a category they might fit in allows them to not hide, be themselves and feel safe while at work.


Giving gratitude is something you are probably familiar with. How often do you thank your employees for a job well done? Let’s take that one step further, have you ever gone out of your way to show appreciation for a great idea or a project completed? It’s often said, appreciation and acceptance actually makes someone attractive to another.

As a leader, isn’t having someone look up to you what you want? I think the same in return, yes?


You are only as good as your word. This is where you will build trust with everyone. If you say you will do something, do it. If you say you are going to give something, give it. Don’t retract. Be consistent with your word and in your behaviour. Be honest and if you do need to change the plan, ask for renegotiation. Honesty is the best policy.

Be true to your integrity and you will always have your dignity.


Be yourself! An inspiring leader is comfortable and confident in who they are and has a responsibility to encourage others to do the same. This also encourages employees to live a healthy whole lifestyle both at work and at home. So don’t be afraid to be a little transparent with your people, it makes you look human. OH THE THOUGHT!! ;-) I promise you though, if you shine a light on your imperfections a little, you will be seen as more beautiful, more of a leader, and honestly…more perfect for them.

Whether you are a CEO of a large corporation, own a tiny hair salon or are a speaker like me, making the decision to add love and all these other secrets to your leadership toolkit will make the difference between you being a good leader and a great leader!

Remember, you weren’t a leader until that first person decided to follow you, and then more people fell in behind them. Don’t forget to recognize the power of your people.



Tamara Speaks

Motivational Diversity Speaker. Blind but fashionable. Lesbian & in love with wine, my wife & my dog. #speaker #motivational #diversity #lgbtq #wine