Learn the ‘Power of Persuasion’ by Watching The Voice

Tamara Speaks
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2017

It’s jam packed full of great music and incredible artists. You will laugh and you will cry. You will be witness to big dreams coming true.

What am I talking about? Only the best show on TV: The Voice.

In it’s 12th Season, The Voice has helped aspiring, forgotten and unknown artists share their gift of singing with the world. And the contestants have the opportunity to work with four incredible coaches: Blake Shelton, Adam Levine, Alicia Keys and Gwen Stefani.

I absolutely love this show! I love hearing the stories of how the contestant got to where they are in that moment. I love the diversity The Voice encourages. The talent alone is a reason to watch this show. It blows me away. And, even the banter between the coaches. Specifically between Adam and Blake.

Don’t you love it? So fun! It’s gone on for years and the show wouldn’t be the same without it.

Watch clip here.

What do you love most about the show?

My absolute favourite part of The Voice is the blind auditions. Coincidence? Not sure! 😉

We first get to hear the artist’s inspiring story.

Then, they walk out on stage for a chance of a lifetime. A dream come true.

I often hear them take one last breath before they begin singing. It’s like they’re silently saying, “I can do this.” One last sacred second between them and their Creator.

The artist then has 90 seconds to WOW at least one coach to have them push their button and turn their chair around.

YES! YES! YES! YES! OOOOOOOOOH! This is where the fun begins! 😂

Full disclosure: I get really emotional during this process. Chairs turn… dreams are coming true. Not turned… hearts are broken.

More often than not, more than one of the superstar coaches has turned their chairs. The banter, persuasion and the true desire for the artist to be on their team arises.

This is where I can’t help but notice each coach’s individual persuasion style. And every time I watch this show, it becomes clearer to me what their tactics are to get the artists on their teams.

It’s a big decision for this artist. Granted, working with anyone of these music icons would be a blessing, but everyone has their reason for choosing a certain one. Listening to why a particular coach wants to work with them or what they have to say is extremely important.

An artist often goes in knowing in their heart who they would pick if they had the chance and so many times another coach said something that made them change their mind.

What could they possibly say to change their minds? How do they convince them? What tactics do they use in order to get what they feel is best in that moment?

Here are the persuasion styles of the Superstar coaches on The Voice, in my opinion:

Adam Levine — Shows them the finish line.

Almost every single time Adam is fighting to get someone on his team, you will hear this or a version of this: I know you can win this!

He tells them they can win, 9 times out of ten. To his credit, I think he genuinely believes it every time he says it. Winning The Voice is a fast track into the music business and if he tells you that you can win, and that’s what you want to hear, then that might be enough to go to his team.

Not to mention, he knows a rockstar when he sees one… AND he’s freakin’ hilarious! HA HA

Watch him in action here.

Blake Shelton — Plays it country cool.

Blake is cute and charming, country-style. But make no mistake, he’ll use his track record of winning the show several times to pull someone over to his team. But just being himself is often enough to get people to pick him. Especially if they have their heart and soul in country music.

He’s not opposed to name dropping now again either. HA HA

Gwen Stefani — Uses her own experiences.

Gwen’s tactic is to speak of her accomplishments to relate to someone. Almost every time she is fighting for an artist, you will hear her talk about herself and any experience that might make them feel understood. She convinces them she knows where they are coming from, and more importantly, that she can get them where they are going if they choose her.

Very passionate, that’s for sure!

Alicia Keys — Shines the light on them.

Alicia is so beautiful and natural with her words. She is genuinely complimentary, always shining the light on the artist and their performance. In fact, you will rarely hear her talk about herself, she makes it all about them.

She is compassionate and empathetic. She connects with them on a soul level, especially the girls. And when the artist feels that, they choose her even if they had someone else in mind.

Anyone paying attention to this incredible woman, could learn a ton!

Watch her here.

Persuasion is powerful in so many areas of your life.

Mastering how to be on both sides of the table can be valuable for every decision you make. It can change the way you look at not only the choices you make, but why you make them.

It can also help you to understand people a little better. It can help you to “get” them on so many levels. What’s important to them, what makes them tick and why they do what they do.

So, next time you watch The Voice, especially blind auditions or when a decision has to be made, watch the coaches and how they persuade and guess who the artist will choose.

It makes an amazing show even more fun to watch. (Like that’s possible!)

My real challenge for you however, is to take notice of your own persuasion style. What do you say or do to convince people to come to “your side,” whatever that may be. An idea you have, a project you want to do, where to go on a trip, whether to buy a house, hire a nanny, start a business, go vegan. Anything. What’s your tactic?

Let me know in the comments… and have fun watching all those dreams come true on The Voice!

(Pssst! I heard Miley Cyrus is returning for Season 13! YAY! 😂 )



Tamara Speaks

Motivational Diversity Speaker. Blind but fashionable. Lesbian & in love with wine, my wife & my dog. #speaker #motivational #diversity #lgbtq #wine