The Ripple Effect: Why Doing What You Love Matters

Tamara Speaks
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2016


How do you know what you are doing is what you are supposed to be doing? That the path you have chosen is the right one for you? Like me, I’m sure you have asked these questions somewhere along the way. But, what happens when the answer’s not crystal clear?

I remember when volunteer speaking was all I was doing. I was learning the ropes, mastering the skills and dreaming of bigger success. But, it was getting to a point where I wanted so much more. When was I going to get paid for all my hard work? I was beginning to wonder if all the work I was doing even mattered.

Then one Friday afternoon, I spoke at a Lunch & Learn for Enbridge, a major oil, gas and alternative energy corporation. The room emptied and as I stood there waiting to debrief with the event organizer, a young man came up to me. His voice was shaky and he was clearly upset.

He told me that he almost didn’t come to work that morning. That he had been struggling in his life and felt he had no hope. He thanked me from the bottom of his heart for being there that day. He said it changed his life in ways I would never know.

I was in tears as he walked away and I wished I had hugged him.

I was so grateful for him.

Ironic thing is, he had no idea it was him that actually changed MY life that day. Because it was he who gave me my reason to keep going…to keep fighting for my dream. If I could inspire even one person like that, I could inspire a million, right?

Ever since that memorable day, I know in my heart that what I do matters.

Which calls for one of my favourite quotes:

“The two most important days in life are the day you were born and the day you discover the reason why.” — Mark Twain [Click to Tweet!]

I may not always realize the moment a shift occurs for someone to take action in their life or know when someone makes changes because they saw things in a whole new way. But, I do know that when people decide to make a change, it doesn’t just affect them, it affects everyone around them.

And so on, and so on. The ripple effect of positive change.

I don’t know what happened to that young man who approached me that day. All I know is that for some reason, he chose to come to work that morning and because of that, his whole world shifted. I will never, ever forget I was a part of that for him.

So, next time you are questioning if what you are doing matters, go back to that pivotal moment. That cloud parting, angel singing, A-HA moment when you can confidently decided, “This is why I do what I do.”

And by the way, it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you love doing it.

And as soon as you see the difference it makes in other people’s lives, you will see the change in your own life.

What was the pivotal moment for you when you knew you were on the right path? [Click to Tweet!]



Tamara Speaks

Motivational Diversity Speaker. Blind but fashionable. Lesbian & in love with wine, my wife & my dog. #speaker #motivational #diversity #lgbtq #wine