Performance Reviews got outdated

Anna Boguslavska
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2018

It is this time of the year again…. The time for the end-of-the-year performance reviews. Most of the office workers in Europe and in the U.S. still have to participate in this annual evaluation, but a large majority, according to the survey issued by Adobe, consider the process time-consuming, outdated and pointless.

Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash

The results of the study “Performance Reviews Get a Failing Grade” were issued in 2017, and come from an online survey of 1,500 U.S. office workers who have been through at least one performance review in their career.

Here are some of the numbers that made us say ‘WTF’

Part of the infographic by Adobe

Performance reviews are a waste of time

  • On average, managers spend 17 hours per employee preparing for a performance review.
  • 64% of office workers and 62% of managers agree that performance reviews are outdated ways of managing people.
  • 59% of office workers think that PF have no impact on how they do their job.

Performance reviews are stressful

  • 57% of office workers agree that PF put them in competition with one another.
  • 61% of Millenials would change jobs to a company with no formal PRs if pay and job level were the same.
  • 34% of Millenials have cried after PR. 47% have looked for another job and 30% quit immediately.

It’s time for a change

  • 80% of office workers want immediate feedback, rathr than waiting for an aggregated annual PR.
  • 66% of managers wish that their companies would get rid od change the current PR process.

So most workers and managers are equally tired of the traditional PR process. The only question we now have is why are most companies still doing it?

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Anna Boguslavska

Brooding Ph.D., compulsive reader, enthusiastic CRM professional