Data is Illness. Minimization is the Cure.

Milan Stankovic, PhD
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2021

Not long ago, we used to think that the more data you have, the more valuable your business is. While this still holds true, data breaches happen every day. Millions of records get leaked even from the largest and the most trusted companies. The users’ trust is easier to lose than it is to repair.

Over the past year, we have spoken with several dozen CTOs. Every time we talk about data breaches, we hear some version of the following statement:

“There is this particular kind of data that I am not comfortable with. I mean I’m OK now, but when there is a breach…man…we’re in trouble”.

We keep hearing different versions of this same statement over and over, and OVER again. I call this a Breach Anxiety. And it boils down to this:

  • It is focused on a particular kind of very sensitive user information (e.g., IDs, medical files, legal documents)
  • The data is crucial for the end-users who want it collected, stored, and delivered as needed; and the software does not really exploit it in any other way (no value add from it)
  • The software makers know that despite security measures, nobody is safe from a data breach. They don’t like having this data on their servers when (not if) a breach happens

Sounds familiar? You recognized yourself? Maybe you are suffering from the Breach Anxiety, too.

As it turns out, the more skilled people are at building software, the more likely they are to be aware of their liabilities and to experience Breach Anxiety.

That is why we have built blindnet: a solution for data minimization — a new way for software systems to reduce exposure to sensitive data. We are proud to present the first public version of our tool, available for you to try at

Blindnet SDK allows you to selectively encrypt the data you are concerned about, then collect and store it encrypted, in such a way that only the intended end-users can decrypt it. Neither you, nor blindnet (nor the person who would potentially breach your system) can exploit the raw data.

Blindnet dashboard — a self-serve portal for developers

Working with our design council, we’ve made it super easy to integrate. Just a few lines of code. Create an account at blindnet, then click on “Start tutorial” and our system will generate code that you can directly input in your app and test it in just a few minutes.

Try it out. Start building those apps users will love and trust. No strings attached — we won’t even send you marketing e-mails (we promise!).

What you can do with it:

  • Declare and manage users (the intended consumers of data to be encrypted)
  • Encrypt and Decrypt data on the front-end, on users’ devices, without ever letting your system access unencrypted data
  • Completely free (forever!) for the first 100 users and 10 GB of data each month, more than enough to test it

It means the world to us to hear your experiences with the product. So, go ahead. Try it out! Then, let us know what you think at

Made with ❤️ by blindnet



Milan Stankovic, PhD

Milan is a Parisian Tech Founder. PhD in Computer Science from Sorbonne. Startup made and sold. Making computers better companions to humans.