Interview to Emma, founder of bloomzy

Francesco Prandi
Blink Travel
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2018

In Blink, we help people living memorable everywhere in the world 🗺 .
This article part of a series of interviews with notable Travel Bloggers that share their stories & tips about the destinations we cover in our
free travel guide.

Emma is a woman in her 20s living in London 😀

She writes about her life, her travel, and cool stuff.

I like to read her blog because is so genuine !

She loves her London life but she also travels a lot and it’s very funny to read her travel journal.

I recommend you to read her last Amsterdam trip, full of advices for the best shops in the city!!! 🎒

Welcome Emma 😃

So, Emma would you like to add something about you?

I think I should add that I’m a big foodie.

All of my travels, and adventures in London are centred around where I can eat the best food, or drink the best coffee.

In our imagination a Londoner is someone with an umbrella, a green jacket and a strange sense of humour. I guess I’m saying a banality 😀 so, who is the real Londoner?

Haha well we don’t always have the best weather, but there’s definitely more to the average Londoner.

We’re quite outgoing, and we’re always looking for the ‘next big thing’.

I think Londoners are also very style-conscious.

Apart from that we enjoy spending time with our friends and socialising over food & drinks, like anyone else.

A very close friend of yours (with a child of course) comes to London and you have to organise for him the best day ever, where would you take him?

I would take start by taking them to one of East London’s amazing coffee shops for brunch, where we could relax and catch-up.

Then we’d go for a walk along the canal to a local market, and maybe go to a free art exhibit.

For lunch I would take them to Toconoco, an authentic Japanese cafe in Dalston, which is a great place for parents and friends.

If we had time I’d also show them West London.

Places like Hampstead are very child-friendly, and have plenty of nice cafes, independent stores, restaurants and parks.

London local Markets are amazin

What is the best satisfaction in living in London?

Having everything you need and more!

A lot of trends are either made here, or come here first, so there’s always something new to do.

Is there a myth about London that you want to bust/dispell?

I really dislike the myth that everyone in London is rude.

People are actually really nice and are happy to talk to you if you start a conversation. Just maybe don’t do it on the tube haha

How is fashion in London?

I think it’s quite unique because it changes depending on which part of London you are in.

People tend to imitate the fashion in the area they live, or visit the most.

This means we have a wide variety of trends and styles.

I also really like that you can wear anything you want, and no one will look at you strangely.

What’s missing to London?

There are so many people and it’s quite a big city, so sometime you miss the sense of community that comes from a smaller city/town.

What do you think about Blink?

I love the fact that everything is curated. It means that you get more of a unique, personal experience. It also has great photos, which is really important for me when I’m researching my next adventure.

Thank Emma 😀

Meet Emma on her site, Facebook Page or Instagram account

You can discover our immersive travel guide about London and other amazing destinations in the world on and find the best attractions 🎡,things to do, guides 📓 and itineraries 🎒.



Francesco Prandi
Blink Travel

Blink co-founder. I love travelling around many beautiful places and discover the world with