Blossoming the Inner Virtues

Inside a Self Realised Person

An Enlightened King’s Wisdom

Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2016


Lets start with a story. A long time back there lived a guru whose one disciple was struggling to attain Self-Realisation. It had been 10 years and still there seemed to be no progress in him. But a guru always has a way. A guru is always a mastermind who keeps on planning his disciple’s welfare. So did this one.

One day the guru asked the disciple to visit king Janak’s palace and seek his enlightenment from the king. The disciple went in dismay that how could a worldly king ever teach him the lessons of Self-Realisation; how could he lead him to enlightenment that a yogi Guru couldn’t do for 10 years. But still he went.

King Janak was the disciple of Saint Ashtavakra and had attained enlightenment under his Guru’s guidance (expressed in Ashtavakra Gita, an age-old Indian Scripture). Though the king lived in the palace and was engaged in worldly affairs his inner purity was such that he was still detached from inside while being perfect outside.

Now, when the disciple reached king Janak’s palace he was surprised to see the king at the moment. He saw the king sitting on his throne, enjoying dances and even — drinking alcohol… “What in the world could cause this king enlightenment?” was the furious doubt that arose inside the disciple. But, in accord to his Guru’s instructions, he approached the king and began the dialogue:

Disciple: My Guru has sent me to you to seek enlightenment from you. But I am sure you are not even near to this path. I doubt if you even have heard about something called “Soul”! But I must acknowledge that you have been a very sharp build-up person. Tell me how did you build up this famous story of your so-called enlightenment!

King Janak: I assume that you might have had a very long and tiring journey. I suggest that you take some rest and then we shall discuss that how I made up this lie around the world. But, first do one thing. Have a round of the palace, its beautiful out there. And keep this candle with you. My palace is designed in such a way that if the light of the candle blows away, you are lost. Still, the palace is really beautiful, you will enjoy.

The disciple returned after an hour…

King Janak: Hey! How did you like the palace? Isn’t it nice?

Disciple: Palace?! I have not seen even a single wall. If ever I had the time to divert my attention from the candle…

King Janak: Oh, is it? You are looking so tired. You need some sleep. I have ordered for your sleeping arrangements here. We have one of the most royal rooms and best mattresses here. But, there is something I would like to warn you.

Disciple: What now?

King Janak: There are two swords that are hanging on delicate threads over your bed. I am scared it might fall anytime. But, you have some rest. Tomorrow, we will have the discussion. Whatever you want to know about me. Good night!

Next day, the disciple meet the king at the breakfast…

King Janak: Hey! I hope you had a good sleep. Those blankets are really very comfortable.

Disciple: How was I supposed to have even a minute of sleep?! It was the question of my life. You hung two sharp swords above me and that too with a delicate thread! And now you are expecting me to have taken a good sleep! I was wide awake the whole night.

King Janak: Oh, is it? No problem, lets have a peaceful breakfast now. You must be hungry.

Disciple: I would be grateful to know if this thing also has some evil plan against me!

King Janak: Um, one thing.

Disciple: !

King Janak: Our breakfast menu is full of delicious dishes and best fruits. After the breakfast, we would have our discussion and then I will tell you how I spread the false story of my enlightenment. But the only condition is that after the discussion if you didn’t attain enlightenment, you will be killed. Now enjoy the breakfast.

After the breakfast…

King Janak: Did you like those fresh fruit salads? Weren’t they healthy?

Disciple: I am fed up of this thing! I didn’t even taste a single bite. How was I supposed to ‘enjoy’ when I know I am going to be killed after it?!

King Janak: The work is done!

Disciple: I suppose it was not a code word to order my killing.

King Janak: No, dear. I have taught what I wanted to. The way you spent your time here is the way I am living in this world.

The disciple was amazed. He was suddenly grabbed into a Divine atmosphere by the king’s talk.

King Janak: Let’s open up the 3 things:

I am sustaining in the world only because of the light of my inner knowledge. I know that the moment my inner knowledge vanishes, I would be lost in the world of delusion and waste my this birth. So, I am constantly in the reign of the inner knowledge which is why I don’t stuck up in the world even though I am in it.

My vices are like swords. I know that the moment I slip into unawareness, my vices would take over my life and do infinite harm to me. So, even while performing daily tasks, I am in a state of constant self-awareness due to which my vices are always far away from me.

I know I am here with this body, mind and on earth for only a very short time. If ever I fail to attain enlightenment in this life, I would be at the greatest loss. And so, I am always in deep introspections and contemplation that I make sure my time is never wasted in this world.

The disciple receives a great thrust that he needed for his journey and bowed from the bottom of his heart to such a Divine king who had conquered both the outside world and the inner kingdom of God…



Shrimad Rajchandra Mission, Delhi is a Spiritual Movement and a platform for every person who aspires to walk the path to find his True Self.