Do women like guys with tattoos?

Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2021


Do women like guys with tattoos? It depends. Just like some guys may be drawn to girls with piercings or blonde hair, some girls are more drawn to men with ink.

If you’re planning on getting your own tattoo, it might be worth considering the average woman’s opinion towards men with tats.

Unfortunately for most men, there’s no one-size-fits-all list of things women like and dislike to use as a checklist for getting a date. Girls are complex, unique, and individual creatures, so answering the question, “Do women like men with tattoos?” can be pretty tricky.

Tattoos have a unique appeal to them for some women, signifying strength, rebellion, or even just an artistic nature. Other girls will avoid a guy with a tattoo like the plague.

So, how do you know if you should invest in ink, or not?

Do women find tattoos sexy?

Guys don’t have a lot of options when it comes to making themselves stand out from the crowd.

Girls have a million ways to show their style, from dressing up in unique outfits, to dying their hair, experimenting with makeup, and painting their nails. Sometimes, as a man, you can feel a little restricted.

Beside shaping your beard and updating your hair style — how do you show people what makes you different?

A tattoo can be an excellent way to demonstrate a unique part of your personality. The right ink says a lot about who you are, and what you love — provided you don’t just get a scrawling picture of an anchor one drunken night.

But before you’re willing to go under the gun, you’ll probably want to know how it might affect your chances with the ladies.

So, do tattoos make you hotter?

Well, it depends. Around 20 million people have a tattoo in the UK right now. Lots of people love tattoos as a way of expressing themselves, and the general attitude towards ink has grown increasingly positive over the years.

Not so long ago, tattoos used to be associated with criminality and rebellion. While today, they can still give off a “bad ass” vibe, they’re generally seen as more socially acceptable.

Girls and tattoos — the science

According to one study, women do perceive men with tattoos differently to men without ink. The research found although women didn’t necessarily find the men with tattoos to be more attractive than their peers — they did see them as more masculine, healthy, and dominant.

Since human beings generally look for “healthy” partners, having a tattoo could potentially improve your chances of attracting a mate — on a purely evolutionary level.

It’s also worth noting most women consider getting a tattoo as an indication of strength.

No matter what your tatted friends might tell you, getting inked hurts. When you get your own, you’re proving you’re willing to let someone stab you for several hours, just to look cool.

If we look at tattoos from the perspective of the animal kingdom, we could even compare it to a male peacock showing off its feathers to attract a mate. Male animals are usually more attractive and colorful than their female alternatives because they need to work harder to gain attention.

Unfortunately, human guys aren’t born with more colorful hair or unique features, so they need to create a look themselves. This means dying your hair, choosing a hair style, and even choosing your outfits carefully. It could also include getting a tattoo.

Tattoos have the potential to simultaneously attract women, and ward off other guys, by proving you’re tough enough to handle a little pain. Unfortunately, there’s a downside.

The study mentioned above found while chicks might dig your bad-boy vibes when you get a tattoo — they’ll be more likely to see you as less of a candidate for a long-term relationship. Tattoos may be less appealing to women who want to settle down.

Should you get a tattoo?

I’d never recommend getting a tattoo just to attract more girls.

Ultimately, you never know how the right girl is going to respond to a tattoo until you meet her. Covering yourself in ink won’t instantly make you a babe magnet either.

Even if the kind of girls you like love tattoos — they’re still going to be looking beyond the ink, at your personality, your style, and other factors.

For some girls, tattoos are a total turn on. For others, seeing a tattoo is like being doused with cold water. When you get your own ink, you’re basically rolling the dice.

The good news? Tattoos are really just for you.

If you love something enough to get it inked onto your body forever — it’s a pretty good sign it’s important to you, and who you are. Any girl who would ignore you based on a tattoo probably isn’t right for you anyway.

If you want to get a tattoo — do it. Just make sure you think it through. Tattoos you got on a stag do with your best mate aren’t as sexy as you think. Oh — and where you get a tattoo can be important too.

Need more help figuring out whether a tattoo is right for you? Head over to Blitz’d to read the full version of this post.

Blitz yourself better!



Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine

A contributor for some of the world’s leading online publications, Rebekah joined the ranks of Blitz’d Magazine to help unravel your relationship issues.