How to tell if a younger guy likes you

Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2021


How do you know if a younger guy likes you?

Most people assume men are the straightforward sex when it comes to flirting. Plenty of guys are obvious with their affections, preferring straightforward honesty to complicated signs and signals.

Of course, this rule doesn’t apply to every man.

Some guys are shy and reserved. Some show their affection with the words they say, while others demonstrate attraction with a look. Add in the confusion of a generation gap, and things get pretty complicated.

If you’re an older woman crushing on a younger man, you might find it tougher to determine whether the guy is showing his interest or not. Our strategies for flirting tend to change as we age — no matter our gender.

Fortunately, I’ve put together these tips to determine whether a younger guy is really flirting with you.

How to tell if a younger guy likes you

So, do younger men like older women?

The simple answer is absolutely. All it takes is a quick search on Google to find dozens of articles and studies discussing why younger guys have a passion for more “experienced” girls.

As an older woman, having a crush on a younger guy can feel a little weird at first. However, the reality is many couples work well with an age gap. It’s not just the older man and younger woman who work out in the long run.

Younger men are often attracted to older ladies because of their confidence, their unique life experiences, and their ability to offer stability and comfort in an unpredictable dating scene. If you’re sick of Tinder drama, an older woman will usually sound more appealing.

The trouble is, figuring out when a younger guy likes you isn’t always easy for older women.

Signs a younger man likes an older woman

There are a few different ways a younger man might show his interest in an older woman. A lot of guys start by tracking their object of affection down on social media. If you get an alert on Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat after chatting with a younger guy — he’s interested.

Younger guys are also more likely to initiate contact with an older woman. They know they need to make the first move to get your attention, and they’re quick to start the conversation.

Other signs a younger man might like you include:

He gets touchy-feely with you

Touch is a common way for anyone to show interest in a potential partner. We all have a habit of finding excuses to casually brush our hands against someone’s knee, or edge closer to them in the movie theatre when we’re attracted.

Younger guys are more likely to express themselves through touch, because they’re generally less cautious than older men. If he’s finding excuses to connect with you physically, it’s a good sign.

He can’t stop looking at you

Younger guys aren’t always as effective at being “subtle” with their glances as older men. When an older guy likes you, he’ll have years of training to help him avoid staring. When a younger guy is attracted, they won’t take their eyes off you.

A younger guy will also show you have their full attention during conversations by making eye contact. Watch for if his eyes dilate when you’re looking at him — this is a sign of physical attraction.

He’s constantly chatting with you

Guys of all ages can be talkative, but younger guys are more likely to get chatty with the women they like. Younger guys will try to connect with you as often as possible, often through text messages, online interactions, and even phone calls.

They’ll check-in on a day-to-day basis to make sure you don’t forget about them, and they’ll even talk about you to their friends. Try to get an idea of whether your crush is chatting about you more often when you’re not around by talking to some of his pals.

He’s willing to adapt to your needs

A younger guy pursuing an older woman usually knows he has some specific challenges ahead of him. A lot of older women already have families, like kids and loved ones they need their partner to mesh with.

If your younger guy-friend talks about family and shows he’s willing to get involved with meeting yours, this is a good sign he’s really into you. A younger guy who’s interested in you will make a real effort to connect with the people who matter in your life.

He’s always asking questions

If a younger guy isn’t interested in someone, he’ll generally just make the smallest effort to connect to them. He might answer your questions and be polite, but he won’t go out of his way to learn more about you.

A younger guy who constantly asks questions and listens to your stories is genuinely interested in what you have to say. Pay attention to the kind of questions your crush is asking — is he asking intimate questions about your life so he can see where he might fit in it?

He’s oh-so complimentary

Younger guys tend to stick to the basics when it comes to flirting, which includes making a lady feel good by complimenting her as often as possible.

If the guy you’re chatting to is constantly commenting on how good you look, how he likes your hair, and how great your dress is, he’s probably into you. This is his not-so-subtle way of telling you he’s interested.

So, is a younger man into you, or not?

Understanding flirting can be like learning another language — no matter whether you’re dealing with a younger man, an older woman, or someone of the same age. The tips above should give you some helpful insights into whether a younger man has a thing for you or not.

If you need extra guidance, check out the full version of this guide on Blitz’d Magazine.

Blitz yourself better!



Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine

A contributor for some of the world’s leading online publications, Rebekah joined the ranks of Blitz’d Magazine to help unravel your relationship issues.