The pros and cons of dating hedonistic women

Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2021


Are you thinking of dating a hedonistic woman? Maybe you’ve always been attracted to the hedonistic lifestyle and think a party girl would be a lot of fun.

Like most personality traits, there are ups and downs to hedonism in a relationship. So, how do you know if it’s a good option for you?

The hedonistic lifestyle definitely has a lot of appeal.

Philosophically, hedonism suggests the meaning of life is to get as much pleasure out of the world as possible. It’s a lifestyle built around indulgence, enjoyment, and fun. When you look at it this way — hedonism is usually pretty appealing.

So, what does it mean to date a hedonistic woman?

All women are different, so is difficult to predict exactly what you’re going to get from a hedonistic relationship. From my experience, there are both pros and cons associated with dating someone defined as hedonistic.

Here’s what you need to know before you dive in.

What is the hedonistic lifestyle?

Defining hedonistic girls

On the surface, hedonism sounds like a pretty good deal.

When you pursue a hedonistic lifestyle, you stop worrying about things like morals and deeper meanings in life and start focusing on having as much fun as you can. Often associated with heavy party lifestyle, hedonism is all about booze, sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll.

Hedonistic girls are fun-loving, luxury-seeking women with a passion for pleasure. These girls grab life by the throat, experiencing as much as they can — even if this sometimes means hurting other people along the way.

While not all hedonistic girls are selfish, they are more likely to put themselves and the pursuit of their happiness first.

So, what does this mean for the person dating a hedonistic woman?

Well, first up, a lot of people see hedonistic women as extremely sexy. What’s not to like about someone free, fun, and ready to get a little wild?

On the other hand, hedonistic women are also unpredictable, flighty, and not always as caring as other girls. It’s hard to worry about your partner’s needs when you’re constantly seeking your next big thrill.

Too much hedonism can be difficult for some guys to take — particularly when hedonistic activities end up straying closer to debauchery.

Is the hedonistic lifestyle a bad thing?

First, I should note I don’t necessarily think Hedonism is a bad thing.

Sure, it has a bad rep in some circles, often associated with things like drinking too much, taking drugs, and being overly promiscuous. However, the reality is a hedonistic lifestyle can be a good thing — depending on how you pursue it.

The Greek definition of hedonism simply refers to someone who looks to get as much enjoyment out of life as possible — and I think it’s an honorable pursuit. I’d much rather live a life focused on joy and pleasure than one marred in worry and depression.

Studies even suggest there are some benefits to a hedonistic lifestyle. The more enjoyable experiences you have in your life, the more resilient, creative, and generally happy you become.

The key to success is moderation. Hedonistic women who don’t know how to control their impulses are often the ones that cause the most trouble.

The pros and cons of hedonistic women

On one hand, dating a hedonistic woman means you’re with someone who’s going to pull you into as many pleasurable scenarios as possible. That’s great if you need help getting out of your shell.

Hedonistic women are fun, exciting, and often a doorway to some great experiences.

On the other hand, a hedonistic woman who can’t control her impulses could end up hurting you in her pursuit for pleasure. Someone who puts fun before anything else can be difficult to predict, and sometimes a little self-absorbed.

Some of the pros of hedonistic women are:

  • A fun-loving girl: Who doesn’t like the idea of a woman who wants to constantly find fun and exciting things to do with you?
  • Amazing sex: Let’s face it, hedonistic women love pleasure, so they’re all about trying new things in the bedroom most of the time.
  • New experiences: A hedonistic woman will help to introduce you to new experiences and could help you get out of your comfort zone.

The downsides to dating a hedonistic woman include:

  • A strong chance of heartache: A woman who can’t control her hedonistic impulses won’t put you above her needs. This can often lead to arguments and heartbreaks.
  • Poor health: If your hedonistic girl takes you on too many dangerous adventures — this could have a direct impact on your health. Drugs, promiscuous sex, and alcohol are all problematic.
  • Stress: When dating a hedonistic woman, you might find you’re constantly worried about who she’s with, what she’s doing, and whether she’s safe.

Plus, if you’re not comfortable with a hedonistic lifestyle, you’ll probably have a hard time keeping up with a girl who is. Laid back guys who prefer cuddling up on the couch to going clubbing will often have a hard time with a hedonistic woman.

Is hedonism good for your relationship?

The term “hedonism” is often used negatively — but it’s not as bad as some people think. The pursuit of fun and pleasure in life is a great goal, at least in my book. The impact hedonism has on you and your relationship will depend on the kind of girl you end up dating.

Just like all women, hedonistic women come in many different flavors — from women who savour every experience — to girls who constantly go out in pursuit of a party. A girl who relishes pleasure is great to have around, just not to the point where she harms your health, or her own.

Want to learn more about dating hedonistic women? Read this post in full on Blitz’d!

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Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine

A contributor for some of the world’s leading online publications, Rebekah joined the ranks of Blitz’d Magazine to help unravel your relationship issues.